
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Historical Society Hartford Ct. Homeschool Day Visit

Bobo and Sissy got to sit in a real canoe!
Here they are with Mommy ready to play a game that children played a long time ago.

Sissy is crushing corn.
Bobo is also trying.

Here is Sissy sitting in a big chair in the log house.
Bobo liked the chair too.

This is where they learned to work at an assembly line learning how mess kits were made for the soldiers.

Bobo is a soldier and Sissy is a lady with fashion.
They learned how pouches were made to hold goodies.
Bobo and I ran all the way up the stairs to see the spacesuit. We are studying astronomy right now and he knows every planet and all about them. We had a great day and we all learned a lot. We cannot wait until the next Homeschool day. Nana

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