
Monday, July 27, 2015

Healing Rain by Katy Newton Naas Blog Tour and Giveaway

Healing Rain

Release Date: 04/21/15

Clean Reads

222 pages

Summary from Goodreads:

Some people just naturally seem to have it all. Until five months ago, sixteen-year-old Rain Sawyer was one of those people. She had the perfect life, with a loving, wealthy family and a strong Christian faith, complete with popularity, sports, clubs, and good grades.

When one tragic incident shatters everything Rain thought she knew, she finds herself five hours away, starting over in a small town very different from her glamorous big-city life.

Armed with a different outlook on life – one that no longer includes her faith – she struggles to create a new identity for herself. Determined to keep her dark past as secret, she navigates through a new school year, a new town, and new relationships while trying to figure out who she wants to be. 

Ethan was waiting at my locker after school, as always, to tell me goodbye before I went home and he went to football practice. He picked me up off of my feet as soon as I approached him. “Ethan!” I shouted in surprise, and then started laughing.“What are you doing?”
He leaned in and kissed me. “Just happy to see you, that’s all.”
I rolled my eyes. “Even though you just saw me an hour ago?”
“If it’s possible, every time I see you makes me even happier than the time before,” he said with a cheesy grin on his face.
“Ugh. Get a room,” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
Ethan put me down as we turned to see Alexis standing there, giving us her syrupy sweet, incredibly fake smile.
“What’s up, Alexis?” he asked.
“Nothing you should be concerned with,” she said. “I came to talk to Rain.”
I don’t know who was more surprised – me or Ethan. We both stared at her for a moment before I squeaked, “You want to talk to me?”
“Don’t act so shocked. But it’s personal. Which means you can leave,” she said, giving Ethan that famous smile.
He looked uncomfortable, but he turned back to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll call you later?” he asked. His eyes searched mine for some kind of assurance that it was okay for him to leave.
“Sounds good,” I said with a nod and a smile, trying to show him I would be fine.
Reluctantly, he walked away from us. Once he was out of earshot, I turned to Alexis. “So, what do you want?”
“I’m here to give you some…advice, sort of,” she said.

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About the Author

From the time she was old enough to talk, Katy Newton Naas has been creating characters and telling stories. As a child, they sometimes got her into trouble. She knew she wanted to write books when she won a Young Author's competition as a second-grader for her short story titled, "The Grape Pie." (Don't let its tasty title fool you - it was actually a sad little tale!)

Katy devoured books as a child and young adult, always doing chores and odd jobs in order to make enough money to buy more of them. Though she continues to age, her true literature love is and has always been children's and young adult fiction.

Katy currently teaches middle school reading and high school English in southern Illinois, as well as children's church. She graduated from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale with a bachelor's degree in English Education and a master's degree in Reading and Language Studies. She enjoys her life out in the country with her husband, her sweet and rowdy young sons, and all her four-legged kids: Shakespeare, Poe, Morgi, Cappy, Ana, and Gray.

She loves creating both realistic and futuristic stories about kids, tweens, and teens, and feels so fortunate to get to work with them every day as a teacher.

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