
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Funny Fruit by Grant and Gary Reed Virtual Tour and Giveaway Author Guest Post Do You Think e-books Have helped or Hurt Authors?

Funny Fruit

by Grant and Gary Reed



After ninety years of warring, exploring, and saving the realm, brothers Yarl and Fonn, must take up the title of Master again. If they don’t, someone else will surely steal all the fame, glory, and fertile women. How will they ever train new apprentices, save the kingdom, and still find time to fit in that extra order of chicken wings? Make no mistake, the old Masters have a lot to pass on and only a short timeframe to do it.

Will young Garrett flourish as an apprentice Sworvei? Can his partner Azilda master the ‘Nesting Nightingale’? And who in hell invited the ogres?

Join this rag-tag group of ‘Protectors of the Realm’ to see if they can pull off the biggest upset of the Continental Games, by saving young King Renli from the clutches of the evil First General.


Leadbelly hit the edge of the jungle with a snarl and disappeared. The group could hear the loud snapping of twigs and foliage as whatever was out there took off at a run. Loud crashing noises faded into the distance indicating whatever it was, was uprooting whole trees as it went. Bronwan reached for a cutlass and Willie fumbled with his flinger and a rock. Alex and Jr. held onto each other for dear life. Terror was etched upon the young man’s face.

From within the jungle a horrible scream split the night. “EEEEEEEOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” The thumping and thrashing faded into the distance as the scream echoed across the bay.

“Wild ogre,” whispered Alex Sr. “Seen a couple of em snooping around from time to time. A lot of the men have gone missing. No doubt they fell easy prey to such fierce creatures. Fangs and claws on them long enough to pierce a man right through.”

“What about Leadbelly?” Azilda asked of Master Fonn, concern visible in her eyes.

Master Fonn looked as if he’d been concentrating. “Very strange,” he muttered. “Yes oh yes, Leadbelly, I’m sure he’ll be fine. Probably be back shortly, no need to worry about our little friend, he can take care of himself no doubt.”

Bronwan and Willie both lowered their weapons and reached for more driftwood to stoke the fire. “I’ll take first watch,” said Bronwan. “There’s no point in leaving anything to chance.” Azilda moved to sit beside Fonn, her eyes scanning the jungle for signs of her dog.

Thank you so much to author Grant and Gary Reed for being with us today!!!

Topic:  do you think that e-books have hurt you? Which do they prefer, print or e-book? Why?

Grant wrote this post:

Hello, and thank you for having me on your site today!

I have six novels available, both in ebook with Amazon kindle, and in paperback through Amazon as well.

Vellian Heroes:

Funny Fruit

The Cassadian Chalice

Vellian Mysteries:

Welcome to Deep Cove

Something Stink’s in Deep Cove

Something’s Brewing in Deep Cove


Shadow of the Makarios

From my experience, ebooks haven’t hurt me, but that is because I don’t have a very large audience built up right now –enter you and your readers!

For me, most of my sales come through ebooks. I have a feeling this has to do with the lower price point. I usually run the books between $2.99 and $3.99 and once or twice a month I’ll put a couple of them on sale for $0.99. People are much more willing to take a chance on a new name for a couple of dollars as opposed to the $12 or $14 it will cost to have the paperback. If at some point my audience grows a little, I am sure that I will have more paperback sales.

I have also given thousands of copies of ebooks out, and each time I do this I get a few more readers that share. This has also resulted in more ebook sales.

That being said, I like having both options available to me as an Indie author because I am always promoting, and you never know when someone will need a paperback copy to put in a book store or require a copy for a review etc. I think the more options the better! In fact, I would love to get some of my titles into audio book, but since I am a Canadian author, the Amazon route for this is not available right now!! Maybe soon.

Another thing about this ebook vs paperback debate, which I wouldn’t have considered up until recently, is the price point for a graphic novel. Having just undertaken the new project of creating the “Welcome to Deep Cove” graphic novel, I was uncertain of how to proceed. To produce a 50 page full color comic (Issue 1) in hard copy is quite expensive and I am not sure readers would jump on that band wagon while I am a relative unknown. However, having the option to use the Kindle Comic Creator, and produce what would be a very expensive physical copy, in ebook format, allows me to get this new project out to my target audience, at a reasonable price point. If things go well with sales, I can switch over to paperback from there.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Grant Reed has a background in business management, computer programming, and computer networking. He would much rather be out fishing though, so he spends his time writing and exploring the lakes in his back yard of Canada. He lives in Lively Ontario, Canada with his wife Robin, and their two children Aidan and Megan.

Gary Reed, his wife Kerry and their two children, Hannah and Kailey also live in Lively Ontario, Canada. And yes, he spends his time exploring the countryside too. Photography, fishing, and playing with his girls are amongst his interests.

Facebook :



Grant and Gary Reed will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Sounds like a great book! Love the cover!

  3. It is a good question. Do You Think e-books Have helped or Hurt Authors? Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt. This sounds like an interesting read. I will totally have to add it to my "to-read" list.
