
Friday, July 10, 2015


This time next week Mommy and I along with Deal Sharing Aunt, one of my other daughters, Mommy;s little sister and her husband will be at Blogher 15 in New York City!

2 Years ago Deal Sharing Aunt, Uncle Mike and I drove to Chicago where Blogher 13 was being held. I had never been to Chicago and we had a great time. We drove 9 hours each way.  This time it is only about 2 hours away so Mommy is also going!!   Yeah!!

There is so much to do and see . We have already been able to sign up and get into some great parties. Last time we had so much stuff that they had given us that we couldn't even carry it all. In 2013 the conference was at one place and the hotel that everyone stayed at was different. We had to take a shuttle back and forth. It cost us a lot of money to park. Thank goodness we are staying at the hotel where the conference is. We are all getting excited. Even the kids are having a 2 day party with their Aunt Kim. When we come back Saturday we are going to get ready for Bobo's birthday on the 19th he will be 9 and on the 25th Sissy is going to be 8.

Now I have to figure out what I am going to wear and what I have to pack. I am pretty sure that I am going to bring an empty suitcase to take everything home.

More on our adventure as the week goes on.    Nana

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