
Monday, June 22, 2015

Virtue and Valor by Collette Cameron Virtual Tour Excerpt and Giveaway

Virtue and ValorHighland Heather, Romancing a Scot # 2

By: Collette Cameron

Releasing June 24, 2015

Soul Mate Publishing


Bartholomew Yancy never expected to inherit an English earldom and had no intention of marrying. Now, the Earl of Ramsbury and last in his line, he’s obligated to resign his position as England’s War Secretary, find a wife, and produce an heir. Only one woman holds the least appeal: Isobel Ferguson, an exquisite Scotswoman. Brought to Scotland to mediate between feuding clans, he doggedly woos her. 

Disillusioned with men pursuing her for her attractiveness, rather than her unusual intellect, Isobel has all but abandoned any hope of finding a husband in the Highlands. Not only does she believe Yancy no different than her other suitors, he’s a notorious rake. She’s been told he’s practically betrothed. Therefore, his interest in her cannot possibly be honorable, and so she shuns his attentions.

When Isobel is mistakenly abducted by a band of rogue Scots, Yancy risks his life to rescues her. To salvage her compromised reputation, her brother and father insist she marry him. Yancy readily agrees, but Isobel—knowing full well she’s fated for spinsterhood by refusing his offer— won’t be coerced into marriage. 

Excerpt Virtue and Valor
Well, I’ll be damned.
Yancy fingered the purplish raised mark on the back of his hand. Isobel’s fingernails had left a nasty welt.
When the first game ended in a draw, he would have sworn on his dead mother’s grave, Isobel was as surprised as he at the stalemate. Now, an hour later, their audience having dwindled to Miss Seonaid, Miss Farnsworth, Ross, Harcourt, and Alasdair, he wasn’t convinced she hadn’t deliberately sacrificed pieces the first go round.
Never had he encountered such a brilliant strategist. With her sharp mind, she would have made one superior general.
He’d long since put aside his valiant notions of permitting her an easy victory. The game they were immersed in was truly a test of skill and strategy, and he feared Isobel would whip

him soundly. Skimming the board, he smiled inwardly.

He relaxed against his chair.

She nibbled her lower lip and scrunched her nose in concentration.


Running her fingers across the glistening pearls at her neck, over and over, she stared at the board. All at once, her face lit up. Her gorgeous turquoise eyes dancing with triumph, Isobel made her move.

Checkmate, my lord.”

She’d done it.

Beaten him, the master player.

He, the Regent’s choice for War Office Secretary, had been bested by a slip of a girl.

Grinning, she leaned back into her chair, radiating satisfaction.
Now what?
Isobel, you won!” Miss Farnsworth jumped from her seat, dropping her embroidery on a nearby table before rushing to give Isobel a hug. “I’m sorry, my lord, I mean no offense, but I truly thought you being the War Secretary, and Isobel. . .”
No offense taken, Miss Farnsworth.”
Yancy stood then bowed deeply. “Congratulations, Miss Ferguson. You were a most worthy opponent. Never in all my years of playing the game have I encountered such acumen or supreme strategy.”
He didn’t exaggerate.
Astonishment registered on her face. Her cheeks pinkened to match the ribbon across her crown. She fiddled with a bishop. “Thank you, my lord.”

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Author Info

Award winning, Amazon best-selling, and multi-published historical romance author, Collette Cameron, has a BS in Liberal Studies and a Master's in Teaching. A Pacific Northwest Native, Collette’s been married for thirty years, has three amazing adult children, and five dachshunds. Collette loves a good joke, inspirational quotes, flowers, the beach, trivia, birds, shabby chic, and Cadbury Chocolate. You'll always find dogs, birds, quirky—sometimes naughty—humor, and a dash of inspiration in her novels. Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, or too many flowers. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.

Author Links: Website | Blog | Facebook | GoodReads

Rafflecopter Giveaway (a $25 Gift card to eBook Retailer of choice)

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  1. Thank you for helping me celebrate Virtue and Valor's release.

  2. Love Collette's books! I highly recommend this book!

  3. Thank you for hosting VIRTUE AND VALOR today!
