
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Only Budget Book by Lauren A. Welch Virtual Tour and Giveaway

The only Budget Book

by Lauren Welch



Do you find the idea of cleaning toilets more interesting (and even more rewarding!) than talking about budgets? Does having (and following) a budget scare you?

Do you want to successfully live with a budget but no matter what you have tried, you have not been able to successful make, keep and track your financial life with a budget?

This electronic, downloadable book is written to anyone looking to get into, fall in love (or back in love) with or receive tips and resources to get started on the right track to being successful financially, with budgets.

It sure is the dreaded b..b…b “B” word and for good reason! Budgets make people scared, confused and self conscious and let’s be honest, most of the time we would rather just not do it. If this is you, grab this good read and get back on track.

Lauren writes in a fun but educational way that brings the important topic the time and respect it needs.

Once downloaded and saved or printed, it can truly be “The only Budget Book” you will ever need.

and thank goodness for that!


What if I have issues staying on budget?

First, you are not the only one. Actually, those who stick to a budget without any issue are the only ones. So first and foremost, put that thought out of your mind. Moving on, here are some ideas to help you stick to your budget and financial goals.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lauren Welch is an Accredited Financial Counselor, a financial counselor and owner of Thrive Financial Counseling ( Lauren has clocked many hours working with individuals. children, high schoolers and families with financial challenges from debt disasters, the brick of bankruptcy, messy budgets and educating individuals without any past financial education to grow successfully and believe in themselves as managers of their money. Lauren specializes in working one-on-one with families to come up with money management plans, budgets and debt payment plans that work with each unique family. Lauren has a unique way of looking at financial challenges, opportunities for change, and helping people learn financial skills to last a lifetime.

Lauren focuses on the importance of individuals of our community, working with non-profits to help provide education, being proactive vs. reactive to the helping support their needs to be financially sufficient and empowered to getting out of poverty.

In April 2015, Lauren self-published her first e-book, The Only Budget Book, (you will ever need and thank goodness for that!) to impress the importance of the #1 tool in financial success, making, keeping and utilizing a realistic budget.

Twitter: Thrive Finance

Lauren will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting! I have a question for the readers. Why do you think a book about budgets would be so important to read? So important to write?

  2. looks like an informative book, thank you for the chance :)

  3. Your welcome, thank you for learning about it!

  4. This sounds like a book a lot of people need to read.

    1. MomJane - I appreciate that and completly agree!

  5. Terrific excerpt! The cover and title are awesome! Thank you for the great post and contest!

  6. Thank you Betty, much appreciated!
