
Monday, June 8, 2015

The Kaleidoscope by B. K. Nault Virtual Tour and Giveaway


by B.K. Nault



Harold Donaldson unwillingly becomes the custodian of a beautiful, handcrafted kaleidoscope that changes the viewer’s future and becomes the focus of evil operatives intent on capturing the kaleidoscope for nefarious purposes. Brilliant but socially inept, Harold has distanced himself from any connection to his dysfunctional childhood. Abandoned by a father accused of his mother’s death, Harold trusts no one until the ’scope forces him to accept a circle of friends he must rely on. To protect all their lives from imminent danger, Harold must discover the source of the ’scope’s mysterious powers. Just as he is on the verge of learning how it works and why his past connects to his future, he must face disturbing truths he’s run from all his life.




One more piece of the puzzle, and the technology anticipated, even feared, would be born. If he’d calculated correctly, and Walter was meticulous about calculations, the day’s mail should contain the gem he’d saved and scraped for. Every tip, handout, or penny literally scraped from the gutter had gone into a jar, and last week he’d exchanged the sum for a cashier’s check and placed the order. If this final trial didn’t work, he’d lose everything he’d slaved over. His ideas were running out, his home was about to be razed, and what made the urgency even more crucial, he sensed “they” were about to discover his hiding place.

Flipping the wall calendar over his workbench, Walter circled a date two weeks hence. That would give him sufficient time to install the final part, to test, and make note of his achievement. Perhaps even enjoy it himself before he turned it over to the one who would carry it to the world, who could safely deliver the technology where it would do the most good. It was time to plan the handoff.

The sun’s rays pouring from a high window warmed and loosened Walter’s back muscles. The glint on the shaft of metal, as thick as a Cuban cigar, the length of a number two pencil, gave him more than a few moments of pride he’d not felt since the birth of his long-lost son.

He held the eyepiece up and sighted, spinning the dial. It caught and stuck in place. He wrapped it once again in the cloth, gently rested the device between the jaws of the vise and slowly cranked it shut, stopping at precisely the point where the Kaleidoscope would be held firmly in place, but not harmed by the firm grip. He filed and sprayed, working over the delicate prize until the dial spun like butter and the magnificent colors fell into place.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Bev's a graduate of Texas A&M University and is multi-published in both fiction and nonfiction. She's the co-author of the best selling and award winning, "Lessons from the Mountain, What I Learned from Erin Walton," with the actress Mary McDonough. A former business writer, she’s dabbled in many things from working as a theatre set dresser and props mistress to riding horses at pre-Olympic levels, judging for the Miss America/California pageants, and escorting her kids to work in Hollywood as professional extras. Married to her high school sweetheart, they've lived in two countries and 6 states, but promise they're not running from the law. A member of the RWA and ACFW, she also blogs, tweets and Pinterests when she’s not dreaming up new stories or planning a 'round the continent RV trip when said husband retires.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Looks like an interesting sort of fantasy.

  2. What a pretty blog, thanks so much for having me!

    poetryinleaves, first of all, I really like your handle...and thanks, I enjoyed writing it so much! I hope you'll take a look at The Kaleidoscope (see what I did there?) I think you'll like finding out what makes it work and following Harold's journey of discovery!

  3. love the blurbs...thx u for hosting :)
