
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Dream Girl by S.J. Lomas Book Blitz and Giveaway

Dream Girl
by S.J. Lomas 
Release Date: October 2013
248 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
For Christine, dreams have never been more than a pleasant dalliance in her subconscious or the occasional nightmare. Once she meets Gabriel, her dreams become vivid and shocking.

She spends time with Gabriel and learns there is far more to dreams than she ever imagined. As she becomes entangled in the truth, and her feelings for Gabriel, she finds herself on the path to making the biggest, and strangest, decision of her life.


I walked down a moonlit street. It smelled like smoldering autumn leaves but there was no chill in the air. Wind slowly blew through the trees and made their leaves whisper. Everything else was quiet.

The wind curled around me, but this time it brought a few drops of rain with it. Glancing at the sky, I noticed clouds gathering over the moon. It dawned on me that I should get back home and go to bed. I looked around and, for the first time, realized I wasn’t in my neighborhood. This neighborhood resembled a set from a musical rather than a real street. The houses were big and imposing, like something from My Fair Lady. At any moment, I expected to see Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn strolling toward me. The thought of wandering through an old movie scene, alone, at night caused cold goose bumps to rise on my arms. Keep it together, Christine. I tried to stay reasonable.

Was it safer to go back the way I’d come or keep going into unknown territory? I didn’t remember going for a walk anyway. Basically, turning back was no different than continuing on. I took another quick scan of the street to see if anyone else was out. Nothing stirred. Even the wind had deserted me.

I tried to grab hold of my courage. There had to be a logical explanation for this and it wasn’t like I could have wandered too far from home. I decided my best bet was to turn around and go the way I’d apparently come. Maybe something would look familiar eventually and I’d be snuggled in my bed soon.

I turned and the wind rushed past my ears. “Christine,” it sighed, producing the effect of ice water dripping down my spine. The voice was soft, but I had not imagined it.

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About the Author
S.J. is a cheerful Michigan girl who writes strange and somewhat dark stories.

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