
Monday, May 18, 2015

Under Starry Skies by Judy Ann Davis Book Tour and Giveaway

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Under Starry Skies
by Judy Ann Davis
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Kobo Books | The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical Western Romantic Suspense
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Release Date: May 6, 2014
Length: 308 Pages

Hired as the town’s school teacher, Maria O’Donnell and her sister Abigail arrive in the Colorado Territory in 1875, only to find the uncle they were to stay with has been murdered.

Rancher Tye Ashmore is content with life until he meets quiet and beautiful Maria. He falls in love at first sight, but her reluctance to jeopardize her teaching position by accepting his marriage proposal only makes him more determined to make her part of his life.

When their lives are threatened by gunshots and a gunnysack of dangerous wildlife, Tye believes he is the target of an unknown enemy. Not until Maria receives written threats urging her to leave does she realize she might be the target instead of the handsome rancher.

With the help of Tye, Abigail, and a wily Indian called Two Bears, Maria works to uncover her uncle’s killer and put aside her fears. But will she discover happiness and true love under Colorado’s starry skies?

- Buy Link: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Kobo Books | The Wild Rose Press

Two Bears grinned. “And a sorry hide yours is, Tye Ashmore. You are getting careless. You leave woman with hair the color of mink all alone. You lose horse, rifle, donuts, and water. And you do not take dog with you.”    

“If you keep insulting me, Two Bears, I’m going to take my rifle and wrap it around your greasy neck. Why didn’t you bring my horse?”    

“Why didn’t you?” Two Bears asked. His mouth was tight and grim. “If I had moved the horse, anyone watching would know to follow me back to you or your woman.”    

Tye nodded. “I figured the same. I decided we’d walk down to get it when it gets dark.”    

Maria rose and stepped between them. She was weary, and she wanted to get home, take a bath, and soak her skinned arm and injured knee. “Why can’t we just start now?”    

“Your woman is not happy.” Two Bears grunted. “An angry squaw can make sunny days seem like rainy ones.”    

Maria glared at him.    

“Maybe we’re both not happy since you’re eating our food,” Tye countered.

Two Bears thumped his chest and grinned. “I even ate the ones you dropped on the trail. Before any varmints could get to them. Come, I know another path to your horse. By the time we arrive,it will be dark, and you can take your woman and go the rest of the way safely.”   

“I am not his woman,” Maria snapped. “I am not a piece of property. Stop saying that!”    

Two Bears jumped back, away from her. “If you say so.” He looked at Tye with wide eyes. “Hair like a mink. Temper like a badger.”

About Judy Ann Davis
Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page
Judy Ann Davis writes both historical and contemporary romantic suspense as well as short stories.

She began her career in writing as a copy and continuity writer for radio and television. Many of her short stories have appeared in various literary and small magazines, and anthologies, and have received numerous awards.

When Judy Ann isn't behind a computer, you can find her looking for anything humorous to make her laugh or swinging a golf club, where the chuckles are few.

She is a member of Pennwriters, Inc. and Romance Writers of America.

- Judy Ann's Media Links: Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank your for having me on your blog today. It's always fun to connect with readers. Wishing everyone luck with the $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

  3. Great excerpt. Loved the humor. Have fun on your tour.

  4. Sounds like a great read. I enjoyed the excerpt a lot. Wonderful job. Best of luck!

  5. Thanks so much for participating in Judy Ann's UNDER STARRY SKIES blog tour, Debra!!!

  6. Thanks Margo and Alica for stopping by. I don't think everyone knows that R.J. Morris did the cover for "Under Starry Skies." I love the nighttime blue and I love the fancy font.

  7. Wow, this sounds great. I'll have to pick up a copy.

  8. Love the last line: Hair like a mink. Temper like a badger." Very funny! Good luck on your tour, Judy Ann.

  9. Really enjoyed the excerpt--and the humor. Best of luck with the release!

  10. I let out a huge sigh when I saw this cover, Judy! So beautiful and love the excerpt. Wishing you all the best! :)

  11. I think this is another winner! great job Judy!

  12. I can't wait to dig into this book! Sounds great :-)

  13. Thank you: Marlow, Jana, Mary, Steve, J.C. and Barbara for stopping by. This was a fun book to write, especially since I knew the characters so well.

  14. I think its going to be a great book, has a great cover.

    1. Sara, Thanks for the kind words. I love the cover and font style. Have a great day.

  15. This sounds like a great book. I love Colorado history stories!
    And it's a romantic mystery! What more could you ask for?

    1. Thanks for stopping by. By the way, besides romantic mystery, the book has a lot of humor. Have a great day!

  16. I haven't read many historical romances, but I love romantic suspense. I hope Maria, Tye, Abigail, and Two Bears succeed in uncovering the killer.

    1. Romantic suspense is my favorite kind whether it's historical or contemporary. Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.

  17. I, too, love the last line of hair like a mink and temper like a badger, lol. Love it!

  18. Sounds great. Love the excerpt. --sydney/Susan

  19. Oh I think it sounds so good! Love the romance...and with a bit of mystery! Cant wait to read and see what they find out about her uncle...and if she finds true love!
