
Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Tell-Tail Heart by Monica Shaughnessy Blog Tour, Giveaway and Guest Post

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The Tell-Tail Heart
by Monica Shaughnessy

THE TELL-TAIL HEART, is a fun and different spin on mysteries and I look forward to reading the next in the series.
~Lisa K’s Book Reviews
Whether or not you like cats, The Tell-Tail Heart will enchant you. You’ll arch your back, hiss and spit at the danger and the ‘bad guys’. Nonetheless, you will purr with satisfaction, at least until you go in search of the next Cattarina Mystery.
~Back Porchervations
It ‘s a quick read, cute. charming and compelling, well-written, I really enjoyed… I liked it so much that I decided to read the story of Poe behind this novel.
…the “voice” of Cattarina is humorous and witty, which makes The Tell-Tail Heart a joy to read.
~Jane Reads
I could tell reading this book that the author put a lot of work into researching Mr. Poe. Big fans of his will love this story and reading more in the series. I also think those who like period pieces will also enjoy this book.
~Community Bookstop
tell tail heartThe Tell-Tail Heart: A Cattarina Mystery
(Cattarina Mysteries) (Volume 1)

Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Jumping Jackalope Press (June 17, 2014)
Paperback: 176 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0988562974

Guest Post

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!  would like to thank author Monica Shaughnessy for sharing her thought with us.

The Almighty Shopper

You are a superhero. Your word of mouth is faster than a speeding bullet. Your credit card is more powerful than a locomotive. You’re able to keep small business in a single town. If you live on Planet Earth and buy stuff, you have tremendous power.

Just a few years ago, sodas were practically mother’s milk. Now? Many consider soda an “occasional” treat. Some, like me, have given them up altogether. Sure, a lot of people perpetually have a 2-liter bottle in the fridge (nothing wrong with that). But enough of us turned the tide for a behemoth like Coca-Cola to notice. As I was strolling the grocery aisle yesterday, I noticed they’d put out a new product: Coca-Cola Life. This is a direct reaction to changing attitudes towards soda. Of course, they’ve been accused of “health washing” since the product isn’t all that healthy. So I mark this a FAIL. But the important thing to note is that a giant corporation was forced to re-think its ways because of shoppers like us.

What about local businesses? If you’re like me, you love the unique variety they bring. I mean, Pei Wei is nice (an Asian food chain). But so is Thai Spice, a franchise owned by a local guy. And this guy has a family that’s often helping out at the restaurant. He grants my special requests (I have many). He greets my family personally when we arrive. So when I have a yen for Asian food (his is exceptional), Thai Spice is my “go to.” Why? I know that without my dollars in his pocket, he might go out of business. So a meal at his restaurant is a “vote” for him.

If you’re ready to flex your powerful superhero muscles, know that buying the product is only the first step. The next time you run across something you dearly love, whether it’s a pair of shoes, a great plate of pasta, or a book, consider doing the following:

  1. Leave a review. This, by far, is the BEST way to help the little guys (and the big guys, too). It’s another “vote” of confidence. Apps and websites like Urban Spoon and YELP are great for walk-in businesses. If you shop Etsy or Ebay, then you know how important those seller stars are. Same with Amazon. As an author, I cannot stress how important reviews are. Every SINGLE one helps another reader decide whether or not to purchase my book. And they are always best on the “shopping site” where you purchased because that’s where they do the most good.
  2. Spread word of mouth. If you like something and find it useful, tell other people. It’s that easy. Reminds me of that old shampoo commercial: “They told two people, and they told two people, and so on, and so on…) It’s the ripple effect. And it’s powerful beyond measure.
  3. Leave a note on social media OR comment in person at a walk-in store. It’s awesome when I visit my Facebook page and see a note from a reader. These occasional pats on the back sustain me and provide me with the motivation I need to continue. Writing a book is tough. Putting it out for public consumption is tougher. I’m certain there’s not one writer who hasn’t thought about “quitting the business” at some point. Same with other businesses, I bet. Your friendly comment might make a difference to the old guy who sells his tomatoes at the farmers’ market or the middle-aged mom selling hand-knit sweaters on Etsy.

As a local author, I’m truly a small business owner, too. Not only do I hand-make my own products (books), I also create the packaging (covers), distribute to stores (Amazon, et al), and advertise my products (this blog). I know how hard it is to fight for reader dollars. So if you’re in the mood for a great cozy mystery, are a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, or just like cats, give it a try. It’s only $1.99 on Amazon. And of course, if you like it, I’d love a review!

The next time you buy something that makes you squeal for joy, and you’d like to SEE MORE of it for sale, consider doing one of the things above. You’ll truly be a superhero, at least to one local business owner.

The untold story behind Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart.”
Philadelphia, 1842: Poe’s cat, Cattarina, becomes embroiled in a killer’s affairs when she finds a clue to the crime – a glass eye. But it’s only when her beloved “Eddy” takes an interest that she decides to hunt down the madman. Her dangerous expedition takes her from creepy Eastern State Penitentiary to Rittenhouse Square where she runs into a gang of feral cats intent on stopping her.
As the mystery pulls Cattarina deeper into trouble, even Eddy becomes the target of suspicion. Yet she cannot give up the chase. Both her reputation as a huntress and her friend’s happiness are at stake. For if she succeeds in catching the Glass Eye Killer, the missing pieces of Eddy’s unfinished story will fall into place, and the Poe household will once again experience peace.
monicaAbout This Author
Monica Shaughnessy has a flair for creating characters and plots larger than her home state of Texas. Most notably, she’s the author of the Cattarina Mysteries, a cozy mystery series starring Edgar Allan Poe’s real-life cat companion. Ms. Shaughnessy has nine books in print, including two young adult novels, a middle grade novel, a picture book, two cozy mystery novellas, and numerous short stories. Customers have praised her work time and again, calling it “unique and creative,” “fresh and original,” and “very well written.” If you’re looking for something outside the mainstream, you’ll find it in her prose. When she’s not slaying adverbs and tightening plots, she’s walking her rescue dogs, goofing around with her family, or going back to the grocery store for the hundredth time because she forgot milk.

Author Links:
Purchase Link:

Tour Participants
May 10 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 11 – Back Porchervations – Review
May 12 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Guest Post
May 13 – Frankie Bow – Spotlight, Giveaway
May 14 – Griperang’s Bookmarks – Spotlight, Giveaway
May 15 – View from the Birdhouse – Interview, Giveaway
May 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Spotlight
May 17 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 18 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review
May 19 – Cozy Up With Kathy – Interview
May 20 – Jane Reads – Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 21 – Lori’s Reading Corner –  Interview
May 22 – Community Bookstop – Review, Giveaway
May 23 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – Guest Post

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I first read Poe's story as a young person in school. How old were you when you read it?:
