
Monday, May 11, 2015

The Final Reveille by Amanda Flower Virtual Book Tour, Guest Post, and Giveaway

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The Final Reveille
by Amanda Flower

This book had a lot of action and it kept my attention from the time I picked it up, till I finished it, it also kept me guessing as there were a lot of possible suspects. I look forward to more in the Living History Museum Mystery Series.
~Melina’s Book Blog
Get swept away back to the civil war era with this historical whodunit that will have you so involved with the story you will find it hard to put down.
~Shelley’s Book Case​
This is the first book I’ve read by Amanda. I really enjoy her writing style. The story has an easy flow that carries the reader along.
~Booklady’s Booknotes
There are plenty of suspects, drama, history, colorful characters and personal family issues and even romance. The story is fast paced mostly taken place in one week time….I would love to read more mysteries set at the Living History Museum. Can’t wait to see what happens next at Barton Farms.
Kelsey is a likable and strong heroine and sleuth. Cynthia, Portia, Ashland, and the other characters add to the story with a bit of humor.
~Christa Reads and Writes
the final reveille coverThe Final Reveille
(A Living History Museum Mystery)

Cozy Mystery
New Series
Publisher: Midnight Ink (May 8, 2015)
Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738744735

Greetings from Kelsey Cambridge, Director of Barton Farm

Greetings from Barton Farm in New Hartford, Ohio! I’m Kelsey Cambridge, the director of Barton Farm, a living history museum tucked away in Ohio’s Cuyahoga Valley. If you are looking for a fun and educational outing for your family, come and check us out! We're here to share Ohio and American history with you. Our historical interpreters make nineteenth century Western Reserve history come alive. They dress in period costume and share the customs and news just as if they were living in 1863. We also have gifted craftsmen and craftswomen who make goods using only mid-nineteenth century technology. They create everything from hand-dipped candles to hand-thrown bricks. You will also enjoy touring our history building which include the Barton Home, a church, a schoolhouse and much more, and don't forget our beautiful maple grove and pristine gardens.

This summer is the very best time to visit because Barton Farm will be hosting our first ever Civil War reenactment and the first annual Blue and Gray Ball. Civil War Reenactors from all over the state and region will come to our museum to take part in the reenactment battles and in the dancing. Not to mention Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman, who served as a nurse during the War Between the States, will also be in attendance. You won’t want to miss it. The monumental event is made possible by our kind benefactress Cynthia Cherry. Without Cynthia’s generosity we would not be able to pull off such a major undertaking.

I just hope nothing goes wrong… What could possibly go wrong?


Preorder The Final Reveille today!

Amanda Flower, a three time Agatha-nominated mystery author, started her writing career in elementary school when she read a story she wrote to her sixth grade class and had the class in stitches with her description of being stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel. She knew at that moment she’d found her calling of making people laugh with her words. Amanda is an academic librarian for a small college near Cleveland. She also writes as National Bestselling Author Isabella Alan.

Social Media Links

As the director of Barton Farm, a living history museum in Ohio, Kelsey Cambridge is underpaid and underappreciated, but she loves every minute of it. Determined to keep the struggling farm open, she plans to impress the museum’s wealthy benefactress, Cynthia Cherry, with a Civil War reenactment on the farm’s grounds.
Unfortunately, the first shot in the battle isn’t from a period soldier. It’s from Cynthia’s greedy nephew, Maxwell, who fires a threat at Kelsey to cut the museum’s funding. The next morning, things go from bad to worse when Kelsey discovers Maxwell dead. Now Kelsey is the police’s number one suspect, and she must start her own investigation to save Barton Farm . . . and herself.
Amanda Flower photo
About This Author
Amanda Flower, a two-time Agatha Award-nominated mystery author, started her writing career in elementary school when she read a story she wrote to her sixth grade class and had the class in stitches with her description of being stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel. She knew at that moment she’d found her calling of making people laugh with her words. She also writes mysteries as national bestselling  author Isabella Alan. In addition to being an author, Amanda is an academic librarian for a small college near Cleveland.
Author Links:
Pen Name Website:
Purchase Links:
Amazon B&N

Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Participants
May 7 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review, Guest Post
May 8 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
May 8 – View from the Birdhouse – Interview
May 9 – Booklady’s Booknotes – Review
May 9 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – Guest Post
May 10 – Marie’s Cozy Corner – Review
May 10 – Nadaness In Motion – Guest Post
May 11 – readalot – Review
May 11 – Christa Reads and Writes – Review
May 12 – Laura’s Interests – Review
May 12 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – Guest Post
May 13 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Guest Post
May 13 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review
May 14 – Carstairs Considers – Review
May 14 – Frankie Bow – Interview
May 15 – StoreyBook Reviews – Review
May 16 – Girl Lost In a Book –Review
May 16 – MysteriesEtc – Review

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