
Friday, May 29, 2015

November Sky (Hardest Mistakes #2) by Dannielle Wicks Book Blitz and Giveaway

November Sky (Hardest Mistakes #2)
Release Date: 05/19/15
Limitless Publishing

Summary from Goodreads:
A heartbreaking loss.

A love that transcends mortality.

A struggle between holding on and letting go…

KRISTIAN REED is only seventeen years old when his girlfriend, JESSICA SCOTT, dies in a tragic accident. Devastated and burdened with guilt, he finds it impossible to move on.
Six years later, he’s not doing any better. He’s accepted a prestigious internship at a big city news station, but he’s still losing himself in alcohol and women to numb his pain.

Jessica might be dead, but she’s not gone—at least not anymore…

She is pulled from Purgatory, and thanks to the presence of a personal memento, Kristian can see and feel her. But how can the ghost of his first love expect to be a part of his future?
BAILEY NICHOLS is assertive and annoying, but something draws her and Kristian together. Her brother hates him, but Bailey is used to getting what she wants. She knows the pain of losing people you love, and she’s determined to break through Kristian’s emotional wall and prove they belong together.

Jessica is caught between worlds. She can’t let go of Kristian, but she’s not meant to be here, and her lingering is threatening everyone and everything around her as she begins to lose herself to the darkness.

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I’m not going out.”

She laughs; it’s the most beautiful noise I’ve ever heard. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her laugh properly like that. My mouth drops open slightly before I pull myself back together. She pretends to wipe her eyes and grabs hold of my hand again, pulling me through the open door. “It’s adorable you think you have a choice.”

I swipe my keys off the counter as the door slams shut behind us. “Where are we going?” I ask. She doesn’t answer, instead she keeps a hold of my hand as we jog down the staircase and once we reach the sidewalk outside, she turns to me with a smile.

The stars are beautiful tonight, aren’t they?”

I frown in confusion, and then tilt my head back to look up at the sky. I didn’t realize you could still see the stars this close to the center of the city, but there they are, shining dimly amidst the light pollution. “I suppose.” She laughs again, shaking her head at me and dragging me down the street. “What’s so funny?” I nearly have to run to keep up. She pauses at the end of the block and lets go of my hand.

You, Kristian. You’re funny. What have you been doing with your life? Why have you got such a bleak outlook on everything?” I open my mouth to answer, but she stops me with a finger on my lips. “No, don’t answer. When you’re ready to tell me the truth instead of the bullshit you were just about to make up, just remember, I’ll be here to listen.”

She looks up and down the street and then crosses the road without looking back. I stand frozen to the spot, staring after her. I don’t have any words to describe how I feel. Exhaling a heavy breath, I look both ways, then jog across the street to catch up.


Book One:
(linked to Goodreads)

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About the Author
Dannielle Wicks currently lives in the town of Kingaroy, Queensland in Australia. She is a TV show nerd and lover of cars. She’s always had a love for writing, even in school. She used to hide her writing notebook inside her textbooks just so the teacher wouldn’t notice what she was up to. She loves reading, especially paranormal romance. When she’s not writing or working, she competes in Speedway Sedan Racing across the state.

All of the books in the HARDEST MISTAKES series are based on a different main character, so you don't really need to read them in order, although all the characters link back to each other in some way...
(P.S. if you ever reference any of my books or myself on a social media site, be sure to use the
hashtag or @DWicksAuthor)

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