
Friday, May 22, 2015

My Heart is Yours by Amanda Leigh Book Blitz Excerpt and Giveaway

My Heart is Yours
Release Date: 05/18/15
169 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Samantha Marie Ramsden has three brothers. Craig, John and Matt. When tragedy strikes their family, Craig takes on the task of becoming his siblings legal guardian. It’s hard enough being someone’s guardian, but when you’ve only recently entered adulthood yourself it’s almost impossible to know where to draw the line between sibling and ‘parent’.

This is made even harder on him when Sam starts to get close to a long time friend, Jason. It looks like their friendship could turn into something more. An idea that Craig has never been too happy with. Spanning six years, My Heart is Yours explores family, friendship, love and much more. As well as asking the question: Would you defy family for love?




Five and a half year old Samantha slept in her white threadbare sheets. Tonight the wind was coming through particularly strong from the cracks in the wooden boards on her window. Her small body shivered.

The door creaked open and her mother entered. Sam had the same blonde hair as her mother. Her eyes were her own though. Changing from blue, to grey, to blue-grey, to green or any combination of these colors seemingly simultaneously. Sandras hand approached her daughters shoulder and she shook her roughly awake. The clock on the wall read three oclock in the morning. Sam rubbed her eyes. Come on!Her mother said as she looked over her shoulder. Get out of bed, now!She grabbed a hammer from the toolbox they kept in Sams room, went to the boarded up window and started tearing the boards to the floor. Wood splintered through the air. Go on.She gestured to the window. Get out. Go.

Sam hesitated for half a second then climbed through. She knew she couldnt ask questions. She got into trouble when she asked questions.

Sandra wiggled through the window; she cursed aloud as the glass cut her shoulder.

Dont try to run away from me!The hoarse shout came from behind them. Sams father. Sam knew what it meant when he was like this.

Sandra pushed Sam into the car, ran to the other side and jumped in. Mommy.Sam said as they went speeding past houses. Whats wrong?

If you must know, your fathers more drunk than usual. He has a gun and he says hes gonna kill us. Satisfied?Sams eyes widened as she looked in the rearview mirror. There was a car right on their tail. Sam stretched in the front seat to see who it was; she recognized the face of her father. Mommy!She yelled. Her mother ignored her. The only reason Im taking you with me is cuz as a single parent with no job I might get some money from the government.” “Mommy!She yelled again. Otherwise Id just let him kill you.The car stopped, jolted forward and stopped again. Damn it. Were out of gas.Sams mom muttered. Sirens wailed in the background.

Beside them, Sam heard the screech of tires. Blonder hair hit Sams face as she turned her head toward the noise. In the car beside them her father scooted across the front seats; his eyes wild with rage. A flash of black came from behind him. Sandra frantically tried to get the car started. Too late. An arm shot out around her neck; holding her fast. Her husband held the shiny black gun to her head and before Sam could scream from the sound, the trigger boomed and her mothers body slumped over on the steering wheel. Deep red blood gushed out of her head forming a pool on the floor. ;

About the Author
Amanda Leigh graduated with a BA in English and Communications and a double minor in Psychology and Creative Writing. During college, she worked on the literary magazine and loved every minute of it. She adores cats and has one named Sawyer - named after one of her favorite characters in Lost. Amanda enjoys reading, writing avidly in a journal, writing poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, cooking, listening to music, singing, swimming and art - particularly photography. Amanda is a bit of a chocoholic and is slightly obsessed with office supplies. She has many ideas for stories so keep an eye out for more work from her. 

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:


  1. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  2. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. thx u for hosting...sounds a great book :)

  4. Thank you so much for participating!! :) <3
