
Monday, May 18, 2015

Hunter by Sally Ann Media Part Two of Guy Erma and the Son of the Empire Book Tour and Book Review

Book Description:

13-year-old Teodor was taken by the vicious Battle Borgs of Dome and now he must fight to survive.

13-year-old Guy Erma has been offered a chance to fight for his place in the Dome Elite. Only who will be his opponent? Will he face a Battle Borg of Dome?

Once they were heroes. These men died as heroes in battle. Now they have been reincarnated as the fearsome vanguard of the Dome Elite. They are the Battle Borgs of Dome

Two boys as different as any two boys might be. They face the same enemy, the same danger, the same fear -dare they trust each other?

Author's Bio:

The author was born in Wallasey, England, in 1964, and moved to the South of France when she was eleven. She spent her teenage years living in the cosmopolitan city state of Monaco and became immersed in its many languages and cultures. An English girl in a French school, for three hours each week she would sit at the back of the class as her colleagues learnt English. To pass the time, she wrote stories. This led to a lifetime of writing novels, scripts, stories and articles.

In her working life, Sally writes marketing communications and manages large international websites.

In 2010, Sally joined the Hogs Back Writers, a club located on the outskirts of Guildford, and she set about turning an old manuscript into this novel: Guy Erma and the Son of Empire. Sally currently lives in Farnham, and she is married with two children.

Connect with Sally:  Website  ~  Facebook  ~  Twitter  ~  Pinterest

Where to buy the book:

Tour Schedule:

May 18 - The Autistic Gamer - review
May 18 - 3 Partners in Shopping - review
May 18 - Book Stop Corner - review
May 18 - T's Stuff - review
May 18 - Working Mommy Journal - review
May 18 - Bookroom Reviews - review
May 20 - Girl With Camera - review
May 20 - Adam Oster, Adventure Novelist
May 21 - Readers' Muse - review
May 22 - Christy's Cozy Corners - review
May 22 - The Bookfairy - review
May 22 - Horror Maiden's Book Reviews - review 
May 25 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review
May 26 - The World As I See It - review
May 27 - Vic's Media Room - review
May 27 - JBronder Book Reviews - review
May 28 - A Bit Bookish - review
May 29 - Blooming With Books - review
June 1 - Cheryl's Book Nook - review
June 4 - Life with Katie - review
June 4 - Rockin' Book Reviews - review
June 5 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review
June 5 - In This World of Books - review
June 10 - Life as Leels - review
June 11 - Create with Joy - review
June 12 - Bound 4 Escape - review
June 12 - Jessica Cassidy - review
June 12 - I'd Rather Be at the Beach - review
June 12 - Brooke Blogs - review

My review;

I just finished reading "Hunter" Part Two in the "Guy Erma and the Son of Empire" series by Sally Ann Media and I liked it as much as Part One "Kidnap". In Part Two we see more of what is happening to the boys. Guy Erma has been given a chance to join the Dome Elite but he has to fight for it. While Teodor has to fight in order to live after he has been taken prisoner by Battle Borgs. Battle Bogs are horrible , who stop at nothing.  Teodor and Guy Erma are both boys, both are the same age , yet, so very different. They are both 13 years old and are fighting to live in 2 different ways. They are fighting the same enemy.

Will they learn to get along? This novel also has 4 illustrations that are really great. The thrills just keep on coming. Will they be able to survive and start to help each other? I think that this is a great science fiction, fantasy story that all will like to read not just young adults.  I am waiting to be able to read the next part called "Exile". I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions are my own.

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