
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Falling Angels Among Us The Complete Series by L. B. Halton Book Tour, Book Review, and Giveaway

Blog Tour: Falling: Angels Among Us The Complete Series - Linn B Halton + Giveaway! fallingbanner
 Take a spiritual tour of some of the loveliest book blogs with the complete Falling: Angels Among Us series. Full of troubled romance, difficult destinies and other-worldly questions, you'll be Falling too, for 'intuitive' author Linn B Halton, as you discover a host of reviews, supernatural guest posts and an angelic giveaway.
    Falling small-1What they say: Ceri thinks she sees angels…everywhere. She struggles to keep separate what feels like two very different sides to her life. As a manager in an advertising company she’s been working with the gorgeous Alex for two years. The have a friendship based upon the image she portrays whilst she’s at work and it helps to keep her sane. One mad, crazy night spent sharing their secrets and a lot of wine result in them ending up in bed together and their relationship changes. When Alex explains that the reason he doesn’t date is because someone broke his heart, how can Ceri admit that she feels a deep connection to him? Ceri knows she’s different. What she doesn’t fully appreciate is that her task in life is to correct a series of incidents that alter the course of many of the people's lives with whom she comes into contact. She’s simply putting right little errors that could ripple outwards and change the course of their destiny. However; when she finds herself getting pulled into things that happen around her, how can she prove that she really has made a difference? Is it all in her head? She's alone for a reason; she's not meant to fall in love in her earthly life. Alex is supposed to cross paths with her and help Ceri during a phase where she begins to question the signs she’s being given. It's meant to be a turning point for them both—but in opposite directions. They are destined to travel very different paths…but Ceri doesn’t know that and neither does Alex…
“No one chooses to see angels, why would they?”
This is a romance story that explores the possibility of there being something more than just the ‘here and now’. If that were the case, how would it work? What keeps us on the path determined for us, when we have free will? How would the spirit world link with us as we go about our lives? Love is a powerful emotion, but can it change the course of someone’s destiny? Ceri is ‘Falling’...  

My review;

Ceri has been born with the ability to see angels of all different ages and sizes. She has begun to feel that whenever she sees an angel they are there to tell her or show her how to save or help someone. Alex is a man who Ceri works with and he has fallen in love with Ceri and she is also in love with him. They really want to be together forever but, realize that they are not supposed to. They are not supposed to be together. This book is all 3 stories in the series in one volume. I really like the fact that I was able to read all at once and not have to wait for the next to come out.  I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions are my own.

Author Bio
Bristol-born Linn B Halton lives in the small village of Lydbrook, which nestles on the edge of the Forest of Dean, in the UK. She resides there with her husband and feline with 'catitude'- Mr Tiggs. LBH author photo Linn began writing in March 2009 and her debut novel was published in February 2011. In a recent interview Linn was asked about genres: "From a very young age I knew romantic fiction was always going to be my genre. I am, and will always be, madly in love with love! Whether that's love of life, a partner, or the things I'm passionate about. My stories are about love, life and real relationships - but romance is always the one thing that holds each story together. Often there's a light, psychic touch and I never dreamed I would write drawing upon my personal psychic experiences. But as my interest and understanding in the subject has grown, it is now such a part of my life that it finds its way into my fictional tales. However, what is heartening is that most of my experiences have been uplifting and it's wonderful to know loved ones are around me always. I hope it will make readers stop and wonder 'What if?' The result is that I get a lot of mail from readers who have had similar experiences and some are sharing theirs for the first time with me. I always feel that's something rather special and for which I'm very grateful." Love, life and beyond... but it's ALWAYS about the romance! Linn is published by HarperImpulse and Sapphire Star Publishing. Linn is the managing editor of Loveahappyending Lifestyle emagazine.
Author Links
Research for Falling and the Angels Among Us series The idea for this series began over five years ago. I’ve always been in touch with the ‘intuitive’ side of my nature, although it was many, many years before I could finally say I was no longer a sceptic. It’s easier to ignore things that happen or explain them away – trick of the light, imagination, tired eyes, than it is to face up to what it means. We all want to believe our loved ones are still with us, but isn’t that simply wishful thinking? It wasn’t really until my husband and I had our first shared experience that I could admit to myself I’d had more than enough validation. It was a turning point for me and since then there have been moments when I (and my husband) have been truly astounded. During the years I was unable to find time to write I kept a journal of ideas and this series was one of those entries. I realised too that it would take a lot of research. I might have had psychic experiences since I was a young child, but I didn’t really know anything about angels. It took about three years in total to read up on various theories and piece together what fitted with what I’d been experiencing. I even attended two Gayatri mantra chanting sessions, which feature in ‘Falling’. However, because I’ve been to many mediums and clairvoyants over the years, both for one-to-one sessions and at group venues, I also had a lot of personal experiences to draw upon. Not only was the research necessary for me to write this series, but it was also meaningful for me on my own life’s journey. The person I am today is very different from the one I was back when I first instinctively knew I would (some day) write a book. I have been told I could become a medium, but that was never of interest to me. A spiritual friend told me that maybe I was meant to write psychic romance so that people who’d had experiences and never told anyone, might read one of my stories and feel they weren’t alone. I hope that’s true. But for me, writing will always be about the ROMANCE.  
Falling comp prizes
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and conditions Swag bag prize is UK only. Ebook prizes are international and format will be decided at the competition close.Linn B Halton and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel and/or amend the giveaway at any time and without prior notification. Linn B Halton and CandleLit Author Services are not responsible for the non-delivery of prizes.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking part in the tour and for reviewing Falling:Angels Among Us. I'm in love with your roses, by the way .... Lxx
