
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Healer by C. J. Anaya Book Tour and Giveaway

The Healer

by C.J. Anaya 

Release Date:  07/11/15

272 pages

Summary from Goodreads:

Hope Fairmont is a normal teenage girl. She attends public school, gets good grades, has a normal best friend…sort of normal…and works as a janitor at the local hospital. Unfortunately, that’s where the ruse ends. Oh, sure, she might be tidying up hospital rooms here and there, but Hope is also using a gift she hides from everyone in order to heal any patients who might need her, which, in her mind is everyone.

She and her father may have been able to keep her healing gift a secret for most of her life, but there are others out there who know who Hope really is and what her gift for healing is truly meant to accomplish. Hope’s life spirals out of control when two, handsome young men mysteriously appear, claiming they must protect her from a demon god determined to end her life before she can fulfill her destiny.

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About the Author

C. J. Anaya began writing short stories for family and friends when she was thirteen years old. This soon morphed into an extensive project every year during Christmas as a way to create a fun and inexpensive Christmas gift.

Her passion for reading and writing led her to following her own dreams of becoming a published author. She was born in Utah and raised everywhere else. She even lived a few years in Brazil, enjoying the people, the culture and learning the beautiful language of Portuguese; a language she is still fluent in to this day. As a result of her exposure to varying peoples and cultures, her interests became varied as well.

As a mother of four children she is now a singer and a songwriter, a baker and a cake decorator, a dancer and a choreographer, a girl with a degree in Criminal Justice and a first time published author of YA paranormal romance and fantasy. She is also married to the most deliciously, handsome looking Latino. As always, she has plenty to write about.

Author Links:

Book Tour Organized by:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Tour Schedule:
April 27:
Mythical Books - Promo Post

April 28:
Undercover Book Reviews - - Promo Post
WOrkS of FiCTioN - - Review
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - - Promo Post
Mama Reads Hazel Reads - - Review

April 29:
deal sharing aunt - - Promo Post
Literary Musings - - Review
Running Through the Stars - - Review

April 30:
Head in the Clouds, Heart in the Books - - Promo Post
Meredith& Jennifers Musings - - Review
Princess of the Light - – Review
Christina's book corner - - Review

May 1:
The Perks of Being a Book Girl - - Review
Forever Obsession - – Review
Poetry and Book Reviews of a Young Artist - - Review
Desert Rose Reviews - - Promo Post


  1. The Healer sounds like an interesting book, and I am curious to know what happens.
    What I like about the 3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy blog is the variety of books reviewed/introduced to the reader. Thank you.

  2. I really enjoy 3 Partners in Shopping's reviews & the colorful background of this blog site! Thanks!
    RW620 at aol dot com Robin in NC

  3. I really love the giveaway on this blog post, thank you.

  4. I like that the giveaway is so short.

  5. love the cover, thanks for the reveal!
