
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hide nor Hair by Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway





Hide nor Hair
by Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa

This has action, mystery, humor and romance. It is a fast paced book.
The author does a great job keeping us guessing on who has done it. So many twists and turns. I loved it. I did not want to put this book down at all.
~Bab’s Book Bistro
HideNorHair-front-coverHide nor Hair
(A Jersey Girl Cozy Mystery Book 2)

File Size: 2625 KB
Print Length: 187 pages
Publisher: Cup of Tea Books, an imprint of PageSpring Publishing (April 21, 2015)
For this Jersey girl, big hair means big trouble!
Newspaper reporter Colleen Caruso just wants her unruly curls tamed into smooth, sleek locks. Instead, she finds her stylist dead, face down in a shampoo sink. Faster than you can say Aqua Net, Colleen starts investigating. The case gets even hairier when the owner of a local fitness studio seems to have jumped from a plane … without a parachute.
Meanwhile, her suave editor, Ken Rhodes, steps in to help.  And he may be looking for more than just a good story from Colleen.
Add in a missing bracelet, some suspicious husbands, and a little breaking and entering—and this Jersey girl is heading for a real blowout!
Can Colleen tie up these split ends? Or does she have an appointment with disaster?
Jo-Ann author photo
About This Author
                 Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa lives in Old Bridge, New Jersey, and uses her experience as a freelance correspondent as the basis of her protagonist’s career. Several of the incidents within these pages are actual occurrences. They have been shamelessly embellished and are not a blow-by-blow account of a few really bad days on the job. Hide Nor Hair is her second novel.
Author Link:

Purchase Links:
Amazon Kobo
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3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!  would like to thank author Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa for being with us today and sharing her thoughts with us and our readers.
How characters grow in a Series

Guest Post for 3 Partners in Shopping by Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa

I’m thrilled to be guest posting for 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! Such an intriguing name and the shopping – well, that’s about the most fun thing you can do! The only thing I love more is yapping about Colleen Caruso, my protagonist in the Jersey Girl Cozy Mystery series.
Readers have told me they identify with Colleen. I think it’s because she’s an everyday woman, a mom, a hard worker and a quick learner – like all moms are and have to be. Let’s face it, once women say I Do and pump out that first kid, there is really no choice in the matter. We become adults and do all the things we have to do – sometimes bravely, more often apprehensively, but we get the job done.
Because this is fiction, Colleen also gets to do all the things that we’re too chicken to do ourselves. I know she’s far braver than I’ll ever be. She takes life by the horns and wrestles with it. She doesn’t always win, but she’s always up for the fight.
In New Math is Murder, the first in the Jersey Girl Cozy Mystery series, Colleen faces a cheating husband, a relatively new job as an inexperienced stringer for the local newspaper, and a dead body. She’s unsure of herself, devastated by her husband’s indiscretions, concerned with her daughter’s falling grades (as well as her daughter’s falling weight) and her son’s feelings of abandonment. She is totally unequipped to face life as a single working mother.
The second in the series, Hide nor Hair, finds Colleen a more self-assured. She has gained confidence dealing with family and work obligations, and comes to realize she can make it as a single parent. Though she has grown, she’s still a work in progress (like all of us are). Colleen learns as she goes, the way every mom does when the atypical becomes the norm.
When Colleen finds the body of her hairdresser submerged in a shampoo sink filled with water in Hide nor Hair, she tries to revive the woman instead of screaming her head off, as she did when she encountered a body in New Math. She is confident enough to let her instincts take over. As sloppy and inept as her attempts to help may be, at least this gal tries to do something.
Colleen also discovers her new-found assertiveness when she goes after clues, particularly one specific piece of evidence that in her mind would lead to a killer. With no other way to confirm her suspicions, she does what any determined, hard-nosed crime reporter should never consider doing – she breaks into a suspect’s house. Of course she gets caught red-handed and contemplates jail time, her kids being raised by their irresponsible father, or even worse, having her own parents taking on the parental roles! Just her tenacity to go after the story and become her own headline is something the old Colleen would never have done. She is spreading her wings and soaring, even if her flight plan is somewhat crooked.
Colleen gets bolder in the romance department as well. That hunky boss of hers, well, I won’t give that away just yet.
As in all series fiction, the main character has to evolve. They are everyday life magnified. Though fictionalized, these protagonists/heroines are a reflection of us, after all – only a whole lot more fun.


 a Rafflecopter giveaway


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1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to 3 Partners in Shopping and to Great Escapes for the opportunity to guest post of this amazing blog
