
Monday, March 9, 2015

Turnabout & Shallow Secrets by Rick Ollerman Book Tour and Giveaway

Turnabout & Shallow Secrets

by Rick Ollerman

on Tour March 2015

Book Details:

Genre: Crime
Published by: Stark House Press
Publication Date: September 26, 2014
Number of Pages: 389 - the "book" contains 2 novels
ISBN: 978-1933586472
More: This is a set of two books featuring Crime. These include strong language.
Purchase Links:


Remember those old Ace paperbacks, with two actioners in one volume? Stark House is reviving them, with the current offering holding all the slam-bang anyone might want.
In Turnabout, ex-cop Frankie O'Neil is skeptical when a friend's death is ruled a suicide. He uncovers a crime unknown to the Ace masters: computer theft. These crooks have friends with guns, and halfway along the novel becomes a series of cliffhangers that hit another memory: movie serials. Will Frankie escape in time? Find out in the next chapter. You won't stop until you know.
Shallow Secrets moves slower, with a subtext: the power of chance to provoke horrors, then avenge them. Cop James Robinson doesn't just know the accused killer. They're roommates. The coincidence ruins his career. Then there are fresh killings, and Robinson is "a person of interest." Near the end, Robinson almost tells a woman that "there wasn't anything they could do to make the world safe" from murders. But coincidence can bring them down, as when someone sees something he's not supposed to.
- from Don Crinklaw

Author Bio:

Rick Ollerman made his first dollar from writing when a crossword magazine printed a question he’d sent. Later he went on to hold world records for various large skydives, appear in photo spreads in LIFE magazine and The National Enquirer, can be seen on an inspirational poster during the opening credits of a popular TV show, and has been interviewed on CNN. He also had a full-screen shot as an extra in the film Purple Rain. His writing has appeared in technical and sporting magazines and he has edited and proofread many books, and written introductions for a dozen more. Notably in 2014 he sold a short story and an essay to Noir Riot and his first two books, Turnabout and Shallow Secrets, were published by Stark House Press in September.

Catch Up:

Tour Participants:



This is a giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Rick Ollerman. There will be three winners of 3 sets of - 1) Signed book plus a 2) signed, limited chapbook of two essays on paperback original writers that served as introductions to other books. The giveaway begins on Feb 28th, 2015 and runs through April 3rd, 2015. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  My review;

This book is 2 novels in one. These are 2 different separate stories that will keep you interested throughout both. These are full of terror, action, twists and turns, that don't stop. The author of these 2 stories, Rick Ollerman, has written 2 fantastic thrillers that anyone who loves these kind of novels could not wait to read. The books are for adults as there is some adult content.   I give these both a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions  are my own.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a perfect train commute or airplane read, two short(er) thrillers that can each be completed during the journey, there and back. I'm looking forward to picking up my copy!
