
Monday, March 30, 2015

The Morrigan Book 1 by Kennan Reid Blog Tour and Giveaway

The Morrigan

Damaged Deities

Book 1

Kennan Reid

Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance


Word Count: 102k

Cover Artist: Najla Qambar

Book Description:

Morrie Brandon is the best horse trainer in Oklahoma, able to tame the wildest of beasts. She's also the Celtic goddess of War and Sex, The Morrigan, abandoning her supernatural life for a simpler, more human one.

When Morrie is hired by a secretive Scottish family to capture a killer horse ravaging their Highlands manor, the past she has spent thousands of years running from calls her back.

Will Morrie learn from her past mistakes and embrace the bold goddess she truly is, or is it too late?

Available at Amazon

About the Author:

Kennan Reid traveled from the vast, open spaces of Texas to the vast, open ocean of California where she enjoys sitting outside in the sun, tossing a frisbee to her dog, Barnabas, and on occasion, writing a few words hoping one day they behave and become a book. When she's not pretending to be a romance author, she is writing young adult novels about elves, witches and reincarnation. The Morrigan is her first adult romance novel and after falling in love with the feisty goddess and her crazy sisters, will not be her last.

Kennan also writes Young Adult as Kelly Riad. Other Novels include Return to Arèthane and Prince of Arèthane.

For more information on Kennan visit:


Tour giveaway

5 beaded bookmarks by Bewitching Book Swag

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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