
Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Icing on the Corpse by Liz Mugavero Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, Guest Post and Giveaway

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The Icing on the Corpse
by Liz Mugavero

The story had me turing the pages as I got sucked in to this wonderful Cozy and did not want it to end.
~Bab’s Book Bistro
This was a book that caught my attention and kept it.
~Melina’s Book Blog
There are several mysteries and storylines going on that twist and turn into each other. Enough to keep you guessing for days.
~Laura’s Interests
Author Liz Mugavero has penned another winning story. The opening paragraph alone insured I would spend more time reading at one sitting than I should…and I did!
~Lisa K’s Book Reviews
This tasty whodunit will get the dogs barking for the yummy treats as you go along with Stan to solve the case all in time for the festivities to happen
~Shelley’s Book Case​
The Icing on the Corpse.inddThe Icing on the Corpse (A Pawsitively Organic Mystery)
3rd in Series
Series: A Pawsitively Organic Mystery
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Kensington (March 31, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-0758284822

Kristan “Stan” Connor is thrilled to be invited to the Groundhog Day festivities in quirky Frog Ledge, Connecticut. Her organic, home-baked pet treats are a big hit at the annual celebration, though an important guest is curiously absent . . .
When Helga Oliver, the town’s elderly historian, is found crumpled in the basement of the Historical Museum, the close-knit town is devastated. But after some tenacious digging, Stan discovers Helga was pushed down the stairs–and that this picture-perfect New England town may hide some dark secrets . . .
Stan’s dogged determination reveals Helga’s ties to an unsolved death in 1948 . . . but how does that connect to Adrian Fox, who’s just arrived in town to shoot an episode of Celebrity Ghost Hunters? Stan is going to have to be very careful in chasing down the killer–if she wants to live to see another winter . . .
Includes Gourmet Pet Food Recipes!
Inside3About This Author
         Liz Mugavero is a corporate communications consultant and animal lover from the Boston area, whose canine and feline rescues demand the best organic food and treats around. Her short stories have been published in the UK and Australia, and her essays have appeared in national publications Skirt! and Sassee Magazine for Women.

Guest Post

Scruffy the Schnoodle

Hi! Thanks for inviting me on the blog today. My name is Scruffy, and I’m the Schnoodle from the Pawsitively Organic Mysteries. I wanted to tell you a bit about how I came to be in the book.
My person is Stan Connor, and she lives in Frog Ledge, Connecticut. She has a real nice house and because she makes amazing cat and dog food and treats, I eat really well. I have nice soft beds to lay on and a backyard to play in, and we have a town green across the street where we go for walks. It’s a great life here.
But I didn’t always have a great life. Mom’s friend Nikki rescued me from a kill shelter in South Carolina, where I had a day to live. The people who had me before that weren’t very nice, and I was really happy to be rescued. For a while, I stayed with Nikki and a bunch of other dogs. They were all a lot bigger than me, and I was kind of shy. I wondered if I was ever going to find a real home where I didn’t have to sleep in a dog kennel.
Then my mom came over to visit and saw me. I think she fell in love at first sight. But it took us a while to be together. Mom didn’t think she should have a dog right then. She had one cat, a Maine coon named Nutty. I thought I could be good friends with Nutty, so I prayed real hard every night that she would come back for me.
But Nikki is smart. She took me to Mom, knowing Mom would never let me go. And I’ve been here ever since.
Frog Ledge is a pet-friendly town. I go everywhere with Mom—to the library, the cafe, sometimes even the pub. Mom likes the guy who runs the pub, and he has a cool dog too. Duncan is a Weimaraner, and he loves to play. He loves Mom’s treats, too. We have a lot of fun together.
And now I have a new friend, Henry. Henry’s a pit bull, and Mom rescued him from bad people too. Henry’s a big mush and I love to sleep with my head on his tummy. Nutty beats Henry up sometimes. I think he wants to prove he’s still the big man of the house. Henry doesn’t care, though. So now we all get to spend our days sampling new flavors of dog treats, eating Mom’s creations and playing outside. We’re spoiled pups, and I’m so grateful to be here.
I hope you’ll all stop by Frog Ledge and spend some time with us. Our newest book, The Icing on the Corpse, is out March 31.

Happy reading!

Author Links;;;;
Purchase Links
Amazon Indie Bound B&N Book Depository

Tour Participants
March 9 – Babs Book Bistro – Review, Recipe
March 10 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review
March 11 – Laura’s Interests – Review
March 12 – Lisa K’s Book Reviews – Review
March 13 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
March 14 – Brooke Blogs – Interview
March 15 – Lilac Reviews – Interview
March 16 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review
March 17 – View from the Birdhouse – Guest Post
March 18 – off
March 19 – Community Bookstop – Review
March 20 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – Guest Post
March 21 – off
March 22 – off
March 23 – Mochas, Mysteries and Meows – Review, Interview
March 24 – Booklady’s Booknotes – Review
March 25 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Review

There is a Rafflecopter Giveaway for 5 Print Copies – US Only

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks, Scruffy! I love this series!

  2. would love to win this book!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!
