
Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Heart's Disguise Book One by Colleen Coble Book Review

Author Colleen Coble has written a lot of books and I love to read them. This is the first book in her new series called," Journey of the Heart".  "A Heart's Disguise" this part of the series takes place right after the ending of the Civil War. Sarah Montgomery feels as if she will never be happy, her boyfriend, Rand Campbell was not one of the men who returned from the war.    Her sick father and her brother want her to marry someone else. She finally gives in. But, he has lied and her first love is going to come back and her new fiancée knew the whole time. Sarah breaks her engagement but, she is abducted by her ex-fiancée. Rand helps her but he wants her to leave her sick father and come with him.   What should Sarah do?  This is a very short book which will carry on in Book Two. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions are my own.

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