
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thirty Days of Spiritual Inspiration and Journaling: Living Loving and Learning about One's Life Journey by Sheree Danielle Parker Book Tour and Giveaway

Thirty Days of Spiritual Inspiration and Journaling: Living, Loving and Learning about One's Life Journey

by Shereé Danielle Parker



Do you feel like your spiritual walk with God can be stronger? Are you feeling like your trials and tribulations are distracting you from having the life that God has designed for you? Is your cup half full or half empty?
In Thirty Days of Spiritual Inspiration and Journaling: Living, Loving and Learning about One’s Life Journey,  Shereé Danielle Parker will help you to understand your quest for wanting to know how to transition through life while enduring spiritual tests. Shereé uses scriptures and tools that she has found valuable that will aid you on your journey to becoming a stronger and spiritually driven you. Whether you have lost your way, backsliding or would benefit from spiritual uplifting to keep you moving in the right direction, then this book is a must read for you. 
Read it, meditate on it and then allow yourself to experience God’s divine order for your life.

Author Guest Post

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!  would like to thank author Sheree Danielle Parker for sharing her thoughts with us today;

I was inspired to write to help others because during my childhood, I experienced a lot of changes that impacted the dynamics of my family and one way to cope with the transitions that was occurring such as my parents divorcing, being an aunt at a very young age due to my older sister having a baby at 14-years-old and moving around a lot because of my mother’s financial struggle. During my teenage years, I began to write poems and short stories as coping strategy which I found soothing in that I was able to express myself. As I entered early adulthood and started to think about the profession I wanted to enter, immediately I felt drawn to the helping field as a result of what I experienced as a youth that included being teased for not having nice clothes, feeling inadequate because my mother was on welfare and I struggled with not feeling that I would be accepted by others because I felt that I was already at a disadvantage. Writing created an atmosphere where I felt I was in a world by myself that was teaching me how to help others through the use of words and my first book was birth out of the desire to want to share with the world that it’s okay to have bad or sad days but that the feelings that you’re experience are temporary and you should not allow it to dictate your life because your own a journey that is much bigger and more rewarding than focusing on negativity,

Writing is something I always wanted to do and when I took my writing to Facebook in the form of a daily devotional, I knew I was on my way to sharing with any and everyone who was willing to enjoy reading motivational post.


Don’t Worry… Be Happy

Don’t be jaded by the troubles of the world. Take those experiences and make them into happy memories by overcoming the obstacles you have faced.

Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.”

Exodus 14:13

List three obstacles you have faced and how you have turned them into positives.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Shereé Danielle Parker is a native of Southwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was raised as one of five children in an urban area that posed many challenges for her because of high crime rates, teen pregnancy, drugs and poverty. These tribulations encouraged her to beat the odds of being a statistics as young African American woman. She holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in African American Studies from Millersville University and a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, both located in Pennsylvania. She’s also a second year doctoral student in a Counseling Psychology program at Argosy University. Her passion for wanting to be an inspiration to others, especially young women, has taken on a form through not only her profession as a change agent, but through the use of words. As a Christian, God has shown her favor and continues to bless her each day through spiritual guidance. Thirty Days of Spiritual Inspiration and Journaling is the first of many works to come for the new author.

Facebook link:

Book Purchase Link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rita! What aspect of the blurb did you like reading about?

  2. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Working on my book has definitely been a rewarding experience and the fact that I can share my book with the world encourages me to keep writing.

  3. I love the blurb. Sounds like a great book

    1. Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate you stopping by.
