
Friday, February 27, 2015

The Trouble With Patience by Maggie Brendan Book Review

Where to Purchase


"Maggie Brendan deftly captures the flavor of the Old West in a sweet love story filled with suspense and well-developed, interesting characters that will surely capture the hearts of readers."--Kathleen Morgan, author of the Brides of Culdee Creek series

Patience Cavanaugh has lost hope in romance. The man she yearned to marry is dead and her dreams are gone with him. Now she is consumed with restoring a dilapidated boardinghouse in order to support herself.

Despite Patience's desire for solitude, Jedediah Jones, the local marshal with a reputation for hanging criminals, becomes an ever-looming part of her life. It seems like such a simple arrangement: She needs someone with a strong back to help her fix up the boardinghouse. He needs a dependable source of food for himself and his prisoners. But as she gets to know this "hanging lawman," Patience finds there is far more to him than meets the eye--and it could destroy their tenuous relationship forever.

With a keen eye for historical detail and a deft hand at romantic tension, Maggie Brendan invites you to a Montana gold rush boomtown, where vices and virtues are on full display and love is lying in wait.

"Maggie Brendan has created a wealth of memorable characters in this heartwarming story. Romance, mystery, and an intriguing plot all add up to a winning combination that's sure to delight readers."--Margaret Brownley, bestselling author of Gunpowder Tea and Petticoat Detective
"Brendan is a master at tender love stories that tug at your heart while touching the soul, providing rich historical detail and tension that races the pulse."--Julie Lessman, award-winning author of The Daughters of Boston series

Maggie Brendan is the bestselling author of the Heart of the West and The Blue Willow Brides series. Winner of the 2014 Book Buyers Best Award (OCC/RWA) for inspirational fiction and the 2013 Laurel Wreath Award, she was a finalist for the 2013 Published Maggie Award of Excellence and the 2013 Heart of Excellence Readers' Choice Award. To learn more, visit


"Maggie Brendan pens an entertaining romance set in my home state of Montana. She takes the reader on a delightful tale of love, betrayal, and intrigue that will keep you turning the pages. If you're looking for a good book to curl up with, The Trouble with Patience will fit the bill nicely."
Tracie Peterson, bestselling, award-winning author of over one hundred novels, including A Moment in Time
"The Trouble with Patience is a gentle, engaging romance set in the rugged wilds of gold rush Montana. When Patience Cavanaugh inherits her grandmother's Nevada City boardinghouse, she soon butts heads with the town marshal, Jedediah Jones. Between the challenges of restoring the dilapidated boardinghouse, dealing with murdering cattle rustlers, and some dark secrets in Jed's past, Patience and Jedediah face many obstacles in their budding romance. Maggie Brendan deftly captures the flavor of the Old West in a sweet love story filled with suspense and well-developed, interesting characters that will surely capture the hearts of readers."
Kathleen Morgan, author of the Brides of Culdee Creek series, A Heart Divided, and A Love Forbidden
"Maggie Brendan has created a wealth of memorable characters in this heartwarming story about a determined boardinghouse owner and an equally stubborn deputy marshal. Romance, mystery, and an intriguing plot all add up to a winning combination that's sure to delight readers."
Margaret Brownley, bestselling author of Gunpowder Tea and Petticoat Detective
"Yes, patience is a virtue, but The Trouble with Patience is virtually wonderful! Maggie Brendan is a master at tender love stories that tug at your heart while touching the soul, providing rich historical detail and tension that races the pulse. Which means the only trouble with this 'patience' is that it's over too soon!"
Julie Lessman, award-winning author of The Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, and The Heart of San Francisco series

The Author

  1. Maggie Brendan
Maggie Brendan Maggie Brendan is the bestselling author of several books, including the Heart of the West series and The Blue Willow Brides series. Winner of the 2013 Laurel Wreath Award, she was a 2013 finalist for the Published Maggie Award of Excellence, a 2013 finalist...
Continue reading about Maggie Brendan
My review;
I just finished reading "The Trouble with Patirnce" and I really enjoyed it. The storyline was good and I loved the characters. The author, Maggie Brendan really knows about the old west and how the people lived and loved. Patience Cavanaugh is certainly not looking for love, and Jedediah Jones is busy being a marshal. Is this a recipe for disaster?   Anyone who loves historical stories will enjoy this love story. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book by Revell Publishing Group and all opinions are my own.

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