
Monday, February 2, 2015

Single, Saved & Searching by Renee McCoy Book Tour

Single, Saved, & Searching

He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. ~ Proverbs 18:22

She’s getting married too?” asks the beautiful, intelligent, and single Elisha Maxwell who just received a wedding invitation from her last single best friend and her younger sister in the same week. As she stacks both invites on her kitchen countertop, she wonders when it will be her turn.

Challenged by a string of disappointing relationships, Elisha’s hope of finding Mr. Right leaves her feeling desperate and confused. Does such a man exist for her? In the wake of the most terrifying experience of her life, she is more determined now than ever to find him.

When she embarks upon a quest to change her single status to married, she finds something much more important along the way. Will she embrace the man of her dreams who seems the least likely of them all or go with someone who appeared to be her perfect match?

Single, Saved, & Searching is the second book in The True Love Novellas series.

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RENEE MCCOY (known to readers as Renée Allen McCoy) is a loving wife and mother, an author, but most importantly a devoted Christian. Having traveled to many parts of the world, today she, her husband, and their two children make Mississippi home. She maintains a newsletter entitled Straight Up and a devotional blog entitled In His Name.

To date, she has penned seven books that include: The Fiery Furnace series (The Kiss of Judas, Confessions, and The Eleventh Hour), Soul Ties: Breaking Up with a Past That’s Killing Your Future (non-fiction), The Christmas Beau (A True Love Novella, #1), In the Presence of My Enemies, and Single, Saved, & Searching (A True Love Novella, #2). Renée has also written for the world renowned devotional, The Upper Room (Pocket Devotional), both in digital and print.

With a heart to tell stories that will not only entertain, Renée hopes to enlighten readers to capture the message and power of God’s saving grace. Feel free to visit her online at


Tour Schedule:

February 2

Book featured at 3 Partners in Shopping

February 4

Interviewed at The Writer’s Life

February 6

Guest blogging at What is That Book About

February 9

Book featured at Confessions of a Reader

February 11

Interviewed at Review From Here

February 17

February 19

Interviewed at Literal Exposure

February 24

Guest blogging at I’m Shelf-ish

February 26

Book featured at Bent Over Bookwords

February 27

Book featured at The Dark Phantom

1 comment:

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