
Thursday, February 5, 2015

For Sure & Certain by Anya Monroe Book Blitz and Giveaway

For Sure & Certain
Release Date: 02/05/15
390 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
***She knits, cans jam, and lives in the city. He’s an Amish college student, breaking the rules. They're so right, it's wrong.***

Marigold, a recent high school graduate with a shady past, is looking to redefine herself. She doesn’t know what she wants exactly, but college isn’t it.

When she meets Abel, an Amish guy on Rumspringa, his ‘running around’ time, she doesn’t plan on falling for someone wearing a straw hat and suspenders. But she can't help it, Abel is the breath of fresh air she's been waiting for.

Abel, who’s moved to the city for a summer program at Jamestown, never imagined Marigold would be drawn to the life he was trying so hard to avoid. His family expects him to take over the family farm; college parties and dorm life don’t quite fit in with their plans for him.

Opposites attract, but nothing is easy with love. When they trade places for the summer they learn a life together isn’t as for sure and certain as they thought. 

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She took in his suspenders and straw hat on the humid summer morning. His gray eyes and shaven face were a pleasant surprise. Most hipsters around campus wore a beard, or at least an ironic mustache. She liked seeing his jaw, he looked strong. A different kind of strong than most of the college students she met.

"My name's Abel,” he said, sticking out his hand politely. She shook it, his hand calloused and rough.

"Abel. Like, Cain and Abel?”

He nodded.

Are your parents Bible thumpers or something?"

He smiled, one of those wide smiles that aren’t self-conscious or self-aware. A smile offered freely and easily accepted.

Sort of,” he said, not seeming to take offense to her intrusive question. “They're Amish."

Marigold tilted her head to the side and he matched her movements, as she realized the broad fell pants and black boots were not about being urban-chic.

"And you?" she asked.

"I'm a guy." He didn’t offer more of an explanation, and Marigold understood that. The pause. The purpose of holding back. She was here at this café, trying to muster up the courage to apply for a job, after all.

"What's your name?" Abel said breaking the un-awkward silence, as if he could sense it heading in that direction.

"Marigold," she answered.

"Were your parents hippies or something?"

That made her laugh. She knew asking about his parents’ spiritual beliefs had been rude, and she liked that he didn’t let her off the hook.

"Sort of. My parents are writers,” she explained.

"I see. And you?"

That's when Marigold looked up at him plainly, deciding if she should say anything more than the obvious, that she was a girl.

About the Author
Anya Monroe likes to write stories and paint words on her walls. She believes in love at first sight and fights for happily-ever-afters. As a wife and mom to six kids, she carves out time to write between carpool pick-ups and date nights because words are her heartbeat. She lives a ferry ride from Seattle and is a total Pacific Northwesterner who drinks chai lattes and wears Birkenstocks and has dreadlocks. She's a cliché, but doesn't mind it. Not even a little.

She documents her lovely-messy life on IG @anyamonroe. Find her there!

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  1. Replies
    1. What is your twitter link I opened in another page claimed it and then went to like it and it was broken

  2. I enjoyed reading the excerpt from this book, it was great, thank you.

  3. This book looks REALLY GOOD I love books about the Amish Great Job

  4. Firstly I so love the colorful book cover! Secondly the book sounds really good, and I so want to read it. :)

  5. thanks for the excerpt and it sounds like a good book. I look forward to reading the whole thing sometime soon
