
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Follow Your Neighbor A Darla King Novel (Volume 3 ) by Rosalee Richland Book Tour and Giveaway

Follow Your Neighbor:
A Darla King Novel (Volume 3)

Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Wordsmiths4u (October 15, 2014)
Paperback: 166 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0985012960
E-Book ASIN: B00OC02ST0

When her new neighbor Jake Carstairs is murdered in her driveway, square dance caller and accidental sleuth Darla King has a new mystery to solve. This time, it hits close to home. The mystery, and Jake’s wife, follow Darla to the National Square Dance Convention in Nashville. Darla needs to figure out what Jake’s wife and the killer want before Darla faces more trouble than she can handle. As the tension builds, Darla and her friends from Clearton Squares once again contribute to solving a mystery. Her romantic life tangles up with her professional life and her sleuthing, but eventually Darla figures it all out.
Follow Your Neighbor is the third book in the Darla King mystery series. The first book in the series, Right and Left Grand, found Darla and her friends involved in solving a string of burglaries. The second book, Load the Boat, featured a square dance cruise where Darla encountered a dead crew member, a mysterious man with a satchel, and the return of an arrogant yet irresistible FBI agent.
About This Author
Rosalee Richland is the pen name of two square dancers and writers. As Rosalee, co-authors Cyndi Riccio and Rhonda Brinkmann joined forces to create the Darla King cozy mystery series.  Darla’s curiosity often puts her squarely in the midst of unusual circumstances, and Darla can’t let go until the mystery is solved.  Through Darla and her friends, readers are exposed to the warmth and friendship among square dancers, as well as the enjoyment square dancing brings worldwide.
When not writing, Darla’s co-authors enjoy reading, traveling, meeting readers and fans, networking with other authors, and – of course – square dancing.  The first in the series is RIGHT AND LEFT GRAND and takes place at various locations in Texas.  The second in the series is LOAD THE BOAT. As you might guess from the title, this one takes place on a cruise ship.
Author Links:
Blog: Darla King Series
Goodreads/Rosalee Richland:
Rosalee Richland on FB:
Purchase Links:  

Tour Participants
February 23 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
February 24 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – 
February 25 – The Gal in the Blue Mask – Spotlight
February 26 – readalot – Review
February 27 – Marie’s Cozy Corner – Review
February 28 –off
March 1 – Babs Book Bistro – Interview
March 2- Tea and A Book – Review 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Rosalee Richland is a new author for me, and Follow Your Neighbor sounds interesting.

  2. Thanks so much for hosting this spotlight!
