
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chasing the Other Tinsdale by Jessica Jefferson Book Blast Tour and Giveaway

Chasing the Other Tisdale

by Jessica Jefferson



She’s the other sister…

Overshadowed by the beauty of her older sister, Lillian is better known as the other Tisdale; unremarkable and unsure how she will ever deliver on the promise of her family's name.

He’s a rake in need of reforming…

Will Colton leads a frivolous existence, embracing notoriety instead of managing his family’s fortune. Determined to forget his financial burden and his father’s growing resentment, he maintains a lifestyle dedicated to pleasure and self-indulgence. When Will is invited to the Tisdale estate for an extended holiday, he never expects to become friends with the forgettable Lillian. But when a family secret comes to light, he must choose between leaving London and protecting the honor of one woman or staying and risking the reputation of another.

Upon his return, Will finds the girl he left behind has come out of the shadows and into her own. Lillian’s finally the center of attention, and not all of it good. With his own reputation in tatters, can a reformed rake lure her out of the hands of London's bachelors and back into his own arms? Can he escape his past and reclaim her heart, or has he lost her forever?


He didn’t try and crawl out of the hole he’d so easily dug for himself. Rather, instead of making an already awkward situation worse, he smiled. It was a cavalier sort of smile—one that she just knew he’d used hundreds of times before to get him out of this sort of trouble. Women were undoubtedly willing to forgive him most transgressions just by a flash of this winning grin.

Lord knew she was.

She’d never before met anyone so handsome, so charming, so…

A bolt of pain shot up her arm, as if God himself was punishing her for having such immoral thoughts.

Enough,” he said. “We need to get you in front of a doctor. The sooner, the better.”

Good idea,” she agreed. “How do you suggest we go about doing that?”

First, we’ll need to secure your arm.”

She nodded. “You mean fashion a sling? I’m sure there’s something around here that we could use as rope. Perhaps ivy? There’s a great deal of it about the estate.”

His hand flew up to his chest. “What do you take me for, some sort of bushman? For heaven’s sake, I’m from Grosvenor Square, not some jungle. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to go about accomplishing something like that.”

Lilly bit her lip. She’d never make it being jostled about without something to steady her arm. “Did you have something else in mind, then?”

Mr. Colton started removing his jacket. “I thought I’d use my shirt. I’ll rip some strips off of it and make the sling out of that.”

Your shirt,” she repeated, suddenly questioning if she’d indeed suffered a head injury along with her broken arm.

He tossed the jacket to the ground behind him. “Yes.”

She was confused. “But then what will you wear?”

He was unfastening his waistcoat. “Nothing, I suppose .”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jessica Jefferson makes her home in northern Indiana, or as she likes to think of it—almost Chicago. She is heavily inspired by classic sweeping, historical romance novels, but aims to take those key emotional elements and inject a fresh blend of quick dialogue and comedy. She invites you to visit her at and read more of her random romance musings.

Links and social media: and

Chasing the Other Tisdale, Compromising Miss Tisdale and Taming Miss Tisdale from Soul Mate Publishing, available now on Amazon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. love the blurb and the cover..
    thx u for hosting :)

    1. Thanks! The cover was a bit more exciting than I was used to...

  2. I enjoyed reading the excerpt from Chasing the Other Tisdale. I am looking forward to the book. Thank you for the giveaway.

  3. "Almost Chicago" had me smiling...great bio.
    Sherry Compton
