
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Cats that Played the Market by Karen Anne Golden Giveaway & Excerpt

The Cats that Played the Market
The Cats that . . .
Cozy Mystery Series
Book 4
Karen Anne Golden

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Date of Publication: November 25, 2014

ISBN:         13:978-1503033276

Number of pages: 296
Word Count: 37,384

Cover Artist:  Christy Carlyle of Gilded Heart Design

Book Description:

They’re back!  Scout, Abra, Iris, Lilac and Abby — the cats you’ve grown to love — are once again caught up in intrigue and mayhem.

A blizzard blows into Indiana, bringing gifts, gala events, and a ghastly murder to heiress Katherine “Katz” Kendall. It’s Katherine’s birthday, and she gets more than she bargains for when Colleen and her mum visit the Victorian mansion to celebrate. Handsome boyfriend Jake adds to the joys of the season.

After all hell breaks loose at the Erie Museum’s opening, Katherine and her five cats unwittingly stumble upon clues that help solve a mystery. But has Scout lost her special abilities? Or will Katz find that another one of her amazing felines is a super-sleuth? With the cats providing clues, it’s up to Katherine and her friends to piece together the murderous puzzle . . . before the town goes bust!

Available at Amazon

Series Reading Order

Book 1
The Cats that Surfed the Web

Book 2
The Cats that Chased the Storm

Book 3
The Cats that Told a Fortune

Book 4
The Cats that Played the Market

Excerpt: Prologue

Katherine ran to her car, opened the door, and jumped in. Nervously fumbling with the clasp on her crossover bag, she extracted her cell and called Jake. “I’ve got an emergency,” she said breathlessly. “Chief London wants me out of town.”
“Why?” Jake asked in disbelief.
Katherine turned the ignition, floored the accelerator, and peeled out on Main Street. “I’m heading to the pink mansion now. I don’t have time to explain.”
“Katz, I’m not far. I’ll meet you there and help corral the cats. We’ll decide later where to go.”
“Colleen’s with Daryl, but her mum’s home. Park in back and use your key to the basement. I’ll see you in a few.”
Driving in front of the house, she was shocked to see a red pickup blocking her parking spot. Surely that’s not the stolen vehicle, she thought.
Quickly getting out of the car, she rushed up the steps to the front porch landing. She was startled when Colleen’s mum opened the door.
“Hello, Katz. I was just headin’ to the kitchen to make a bit of tea,” she slurred.
Katherine took one whiff of Mum’s breath and knew she’d been drinking. “Is everything okay?” she asked worriedly.
“Why do you ask, dear? You look like you’ve been touched by a banshee!”
“Whose truck is that?”
“I’ve been talkin’ a bit of treason with your friend from the library. They’re waitin’ for you in the living room. I’ll fix some tea.”
Katherine took Mum by the arm. “Come with me,” she insisted. She directed her to the stairwell.
Mum resisted. “Whatever ‘tis the matter?”
Katherine said firmly, “Shhh! Lower your voice. Go to your room and lock the door. I only have one friend from the library, and Michelle doesn’t drive a red pickup with out of state plates.”
“Oh, it’s somebody else. I didn’t catch their name. What’s goin’ on?”
“I beg of you. Just do as I ask,” Katherine implored. “When you get to your room, call Colleen and tell her to not come back to the house until she hears from me.”
“In the name of all the saints,” Mum said, as she staggered upstairs.
Katherine sprinted past Mum to her back hallway bedroom. She was alarmed to see the door standing wide-open. She had specifically shut the door so the cats wouldn’t bother Colleen’s mum while she was away.

About the Author:

Karen Anne Golden released her first book, “The Cats that Surfed the Web,” in December 2013.  In one year, she added three other books to The Cats that ...Cozy Animal Mystery series. “The Cats That Played the Market” is the fourth book.

Karen received a bachelor’s degree in History/Education from Columbus College, Columbus, Georgia. She obtained a master's degree in anthropology at Purdue University, and then conducted ethnographic field research (all-but-the Ph.D. dissertation) in Brighton Beach, New York.

When she decided that an academic career wasn't for her, she worked for a major computer company, riding the subway from Brooklyn to mid-town Manhattan. But her heart wasn't in the big city. Karen saved for years until she was able to buy a Victorian house in Indiana.

Now she lives in a Queen Anne built in 1897; it's a "painted lady" with four colors in the paint scheme. She’s spent many hours restoring her beloved house. With the house finished, she has time to do what she’s passionate about — writing.  She has opened her house to many cats, mostly "rescues.”

Tour Giveaway Prizes:

2 $25 Amazon Giftcards

2 Signed Paperbacks of  The Cats that Played the Market -Open to US Shipping

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