
Friday, January 16, 2015

Sisters of Prophecy by Jude Pittman and Gail Roughton Excerpt & Giveaway

Sisters of Prophecy – Ursula
Sisters of Prophecy
Book 1
Jude Pittman and Gail Roughton

Genre: Paranormal, Time Travel

Publisher:  Books We Love, Ltd.

Date of Publication: September 29, 2014

ISBN:  978-1-77145-310-3

Number of pages:  164
Word Count:   50,000

Cover Artist:  Michelle Lee
Book Description:

What’s a girl to do? Katherine Shipton has a painting that talks, an ancestor who won’t stay in her own century, and a former boyfriend with a serious ax to grind against her new fiancé. She already has a full plate, but when said ancestor sends her tripping back and forth between the 15th and 21st century without benefit of psychedelic drugs, the poor girl begins to doubt her own sanity.

Then her best friend, a high fashion model with more than her own share of psychic energy, and her troubleshooting aunt show up on her doorstep in response to a psychic SOS Katherine swears she didn’t send. Life couldn't get more complicated.

At least, that's what she thinks until her oilman fiancé disappears in the Gulf of Mexico and a DEA agent knocks on her door.

Available at Books We Love and Amazon

“I’m okay. Just give me a minute.”
“You’re shaking.” Parker wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “Bad dream?”
“What about?”
“I don’t know. A lady in a tower. That painting I’ve never shown you. An old gypsy and a chant.” She shuddered.
“It’s just a dream. Try to relax, let yourself fall back to sleep. I’m sorry I ever mentioned that damn painting. Must have been what triggered this.”

Parker adjusted the cover over them and slept again within minutes. She didn’t. This dream…. She’d never had one like it. Except once. Not the same dream, but the same sense of urgency, of hidden messages of great import. The dream that sent her flying from Tallahassee and Quentin Ashland. Well, not the dream itself; that wasn’t quite right. The dream coupled with the painting under the canvas Parker had never seen. The painting that seemed to—move. The painting that spoke. 

About the Authors

Jude Pittman emigrated from Canada to the United States with her mom and brother when she was 14. Her time there included 12 years in Texas where the genus for her first murder mystery, “Shadows Are Deadly” now part of Jude’s “Murder on My Mind” trilogy first took root. In 1992 Jude returned to British Columbia where she met her husband John. The couple moved to Calgary, Alberta where they continue to live. Descended from the Shipton line, Jude has always been fascinated with the historical and legendary stories about her late and often maligned ancestor, Mother Shipton and her gifts of prophecy. The Sisters of Prophecy series is a fictional account of those Shipton sons and daughters who inherited Mother Shipton’s gifts.

Gail Roughton is a native of small town Georgia whose Deep South heritage features prominently in much of her work. She’s worked in a law office for close to forty years, during which time she’s raised three children and quite a few attorneys. She’s kept herself more or less sane by writing novels and tossing the completed manuscripts into her closet. A cross-genre writer, she’s produced works ranging from humor to romance to thriller to horror, sometimes in the same book.  She’s never quite sure herself what to expect when she sits down at the keyboard. Now multi-published by Books We Love, Ltd., her credits include the War-N-Wit, Inc. series, The Color of Seven, Vanished, and Country Justice. Currently, she’s working on Black Turkey Walk, the second in the Country Justice series, as well as the Sisters of Prophecy series, co-written with Jude Pittman.


Tour giveaway

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