
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Prosecco pink by Traci Andrighetti Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Now in development for a TV movie!**

Prosecco pink
by Traci Andrighetti

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00001]Prosecco Pink
(Franki Amato Mysteries Book 2)

File Size: 1520 KB
Print Length: 274 pages
Publisher: Gemma Halliday Publishing (October 29, 2014)

For Franki Amato, life in New Orleans is anything but “The Big Easy.” When she met handsome bank executive Bradley Hartmann, she knew she’d finally found a man she could trust. But she can’t say the same for his sexy new secretary, who is about as trustworthy as Mata Hari and every bit as seductive. Meanwhile, Franki’s best friend and employer, Veronica Maggio, has named her the lead investigator in the murder of a gorgeous cosmetics CEO who was found lying dead in the master bedroom of a historic plantation home.
Now the pressure is on Franki to figure out what a bottle of pink lip gloss and the legend of a pink diamond have to do with the bizarre killing. The problem is that the plantation is notorious for being haunted, and Franki is less than enthusiastic about the prospect of meeting a ghost. Adding to her stress, her Sicilian grandma is up to her usual meddling antics—this time planning Franki’s engagement to Bradley before he’s even considered popping the question. As Bradley grows distant and plantation employees begin dropping like Southern belles during a sweltering summer Franki turns to a psychic with a phobia of ghosts to solve the mysterious murders and her own relationship fears.
 Size: 1520 KB
Print Length: 274 pages

Publisher: Gemma Halliday Publishing (October 29, 2014)
Paperback: 274 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1502974945

Thank you so much to Author Traci Andrighetti for speaking with us today.

Guest Post
I’m excited to be on “3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, too!” because I do a lot of shopping when I write the Franki Amato mysteries. I’d like to say that I’m buying fabulous things for myself, but alas, all of the shopping I do is to enhance the book. And unfortunately, most of it is what I call “Internet window shopping.” But hey, it’s still fun to look right?

The first thing I shop for is the murder weapon or a decoy murder weapon, which is a lot harder than it sounds. You see, whatever I choose has to be related in some way to my title. So, in the case of Prosecco Pink, I had to incorporate both Prosecco, which is Italy’s answer to champagne, and the color pink. As my book blurb indicates, a bottle of pink lip gloss is involved (I would tell you more, but it would give too much away.)

Next, I shop for outfits for my characters. Veronica Maggio, Franki’s wealthy best friend and employer, buys designer brands, but Franki, who comes from regular old working-class stock, wears Target, Kmart, and Sears. My favorite character to shop for is Glenda O’Brien, Franki’s sixty-year-old ex-stripper landlady, because with her I get to let it all hang out—literally. The best outfits in Prosecco Pink are Veronica’s sleeveless Diane von Fürstenberg and Glenda's crotchless Dita Von Teese.

Last but not least, I shop for fun accessories. My favorite item in Prosecco Pink is a black cameo broach of the voodoo god Baron Samedi. It was for Delta Dupré, the owner of Oleander Place, which is the fictitious plantation where the murder takes place. I also loved shopping for an emerald cut pink diamond to go with a pirate legend associated with the murder. (What you readers should know about these items: I often buy them and give them away as contest prizes. Not a real pink diamond, of course.)

So, how did all the makeup, outfits, and accessories come together? You’ll just have to read Prosecco Pink to find out!

About This Author
Traci Andrighetti is the author of the Franki Amato Mysteries. In her previous life, she was an award-winning literary translator and a Lecturer of Italian at the University of Texas at Austin, where she earned  a PhD in Applied Linguistics. But then she got wise and ditched that academic stuff for a life of crime–writing, that is.
If she’s not hard at work on her next novel, Traci is probably watching her favorite Italian soap opera, eating Tex Mex or sampling fruity cocktails, and maybe all at the same time. She lives in Austin with her husband, young son (who desperately wants to be in one of her books) and three treat-addicted dogs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Participants
January 13 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – Guest Post, Giveaway
January 14 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Review
January 15 – A Blue Million Books – Interview, Giveaway
January 16 – Tea and A Book – Review, Interview
January 17 – Mystery Playground – Guest Post, Giveaway
January 18 – Christa Reads and Writes – Guest Post
January 19 – Chloe Gets A Clue – Interview
January 20 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review, Giveaway
January 21 – Queen of All She Reads – Review, Giveaway
January 22 – deal sharing aunt – Interview
January 22 – readalot – Review, Giveaway
January 23 – Kelly P’s Blog – Guest Post
January 24 – Michele Lynn Seigfried’s Blog – Review, Giveaway
January 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – Guest Post
January 26 – A. Literary Mafia – Interview – Giveaway


  1. I, too, love virtual window shopping. It's great fun to "spend" pretend money. I love adding items to my watch list and then promptly ignoring them. What fun to clothe the characters. I've never thought about that! It makes great sense, though, to get into the characters' head by dressing them all the way down to their accessories. Thanks for your wonderful books and great giveaways.

    1. And the best part is that my characters can wear awesome things that I would either look terrible in or could never squeeze into! ;)

  2. Thanks for the chance to win. I love this series! Shopping is one of my favorite things to do. Of course my wallet has complaints about it, LOL.

    1. Then I hope you win my wallet giveaway! A Kate Spade wallet would never complain! LOL

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rita! I was happy to write a post about shopping. :D

  4. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Thank you for holding this givewaway I love Kate Spade

  6. Not much of a shopper. Thank goodness for the Internet. Loved Limoncello Yellow and Prosecco Pink!

  7. I'm a huge fan of this author (Traci Andrighetti), this series, (Franki Amato Mysteries), Glenda, Nonna, & all things New Orleans. If you've not read this book & its predecessor, Lemoncello Yellow, you owe it to yourself to do so. I laughed so much at these character's antics & really wanted to meet up for a drink with most. I tell you, it's the cat's pajamas.

    1. And I'm a huge fan of you!! You're the bee's knees.

  8. Thanks so much for having me on your blog today! It's so cute!!!

  9. I have been waiting for this one, it sounds so good!

  10. Great post! I loved the first book and can't wait to read this one!

  11. enjoyed the post, this book sounds fantastic.

    1. Much appreciated, Jean. I loved writing about shopping!

  12. I didn't realize all that shopping was involved with writing books. Sounds exhausting. But the wallet is so cute. you did a great job picking it.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

    1. Linda, the shopping is WAY more fun than the writing!

  13. I am so looking forward to reading both books in this series. And, thanks for the chance to win the wallet. I love pink!

  14. Pink! Love the wallet - cannot wait to read this.

  15. I enjoyed reading the guest post! This book series sounds awesome and totally something I would love to read! I will definitely be adding it to my "to-read" list! Also I totally love the Kate Spade Wallet! Sadly my current wallet's zipper just broke, so I could totally use this super cute wallet! Thanks :)

  16. This is amazing! Adore this post and thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  17. Thanks, Gabrielle! I never know what to write for guest posts, so I'm glad you liked it.
