
Monday, January 12, 2015

Adrianna's Secrets by Cheryl Colwell Book Review

Adrianna's SecretCheryl Colwell
212 Pages
Book Two of The Secrets of the Montebellis series travels back in time to Lisa Richardson’s great-grandmother’s time and fills in the stories alluded to in Book One. Orphaned in 1888, Adriana Montebelli’s life is swept along at the whim of forceful men who decide where she will live and who she will marry. Instead of breaking her, their cruel deceptions toughen her resolve to take control. Though she rises to manage the vast Van Buren Estate, she doubts her broken heart has the strength to love again.
My review;
Adrianna's Secrets is Book Two of the Secret of Montebellis series. When I read the first book I could not wait for this book to come out. I was not disappointed. I enjoyed this one as much as I did the first. The intricate twists and turns make each page full of events both good and bad. Adrianna has had to live and survive through more tragedies than anyone should have to experience. The story brought me to tears at times and made me fell much admiration for her courage. I am glad that the author went back to explain some of the events that shaped Adrianna in the first book of this series. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.

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