
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Where Dead Bodies Lie by Kat Cazanav Book Blitz and Giveaway

Where Dead Bodies Lie (The Body Dowser Series, #1)
Release Date: 12/16/14

Summary from Goodreads:
For as long as I can remember, I have been told to follow three important rules;
Always guard my ability
Never share my secret
And pretend to be normal.

However, those three little rules don’t make my life easier. I still find dead people and deal with strange visions. Not to mention, an attraction to a boy who doesn’t exist. Whenever we cross path’s he mists away like smoke on a mirror. He drives me crazy, that Kaff Cooper.

As a flock of dead crows fall from the blackened sky, Kaff becomes the only one who can see the truth straight to the dark underbelly of who I actually am.

My hands feel the pull to extract the forsaken, the lost, the forgotten. It comes as naturally as breathing and there is no stopping it. 


A few more steps into the shadows and the lightness of a feather brushed against my cheek. Instinctively, I turned around, expecting to see someone but instead I lost my balance and stumbled forward, arms extended to catch my fall. I landed on my knees, my hands scraped by broken twigs and rocks. I shifted my focus from my hands to a crumbling neighborhood further off in the distance. Barely visible through heavy fog, the dilapidated buildings had a rippling effect. There was no clear explanation for it, but looking back on that moment later, I realized the nausea, dizziness, little black dots floating across my eyes, even the black crows passing overhead, were all precursors to what was about to happen.

The ground rumbled and opened up, like a woman spreading her arms wide to take me in. There was only one frightening explanation for this and as absurd as it seemed, it made sense.

Body dowsing. Someone was waiting for me in the limitless black hole beneath my feet.”

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. CONNIE = Rose

    This book, Where Dead Bodies Lie sounds mysterious, intriguing and interesting. I know someone who knows when people are going to die. I find that so interesting. I think this book would be quite captivating.

  2. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read! I will totally have to add it to my "to-read" list.
