
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Fairyland Murders by J.A. Kazimer Book Blast and Giveaway

The Fairyland Murders

by J.A. Kazimer



Blue Reynolds knows the darker side of New Never City--the side that's hopped-up on fairy dust and doesn't care if your house gets blown down. Rent's due and his PI business is all but make believe. But even Blue shudders at having to chase after Isabella Davis, a freckle-nosed redhead five feet tall on her tip-toes...if you don't count the pretty pink wings.

Izzy is tough, and sneaky, and not too thrilled with the idea of being the new tooth fairy. The last six have been most gruesomely extracted. But Blue has a feeling that whoever is killing the tooth fairies is worse than your standard big bad psycho. The fairy council is hiding something. The Shadows are moving out into the light. And Blue is saddled with a shocking power that could take out half of New Never City...


No buts, Isabella.” I gave her my most confident of smiles, all gleaming slightly tarnished teeth. “I’ll figure this out. Don’t worry your—”

She yanked her arm away. “If you say pretty little head, I will kill you in your sleep.”

Before I could comment, my cell phone rang. I pulled it out and checked the caller ID. The screen flashed Unknown Caller. “Reynolds,” I answered with hesitancy. Nothing I hated more than getting stuck on the phone for ten minutes with a guy trying to sell me lightning rods.

To find the truth,” the speaker paused, “two past the midnight hour.”

Definitely not a lightning rod salesman. “What?”

The speaker’s sigh echoed through the phone. “If you want to know the truth about your new girlfriend, meet me under the 45th Street bridge at midnight tonight.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why not just say that in the first place?” Sometimes I hated my job. Everyone had something to hide, some angle to cover, which left me to weed through cryptic messages and layers of bull... My gaze inadvertently slid to Izzy, who stood next to me impatiently tapping her foot.

What was her angle? Was she really an innocent victim or was there more to her tale? Either way, I’d be stupid to trust her. On the other hand, no one had ever claimed Blue Reynolds was the brightest bulb in the pack.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

J.A. Kazimer is a writer living in Denver, CO. Books include The Junkie Tales, The Body Dwellers, CURSES! A F***ed-Up Fairy Tale, Holy Socks & Dirtier Demons, Dope Sick: A Love Story, SHANK, Froggy Style, The Assassin’s Heart and The Fairyland Murders: A Deadly Ever After Mystery. Forthcoming novels include, The Assassin’s Kiss & Book 2 in A Deadly Ever After Series.

When J.A. Kazimer isn't looking for the perfect place to hide the bodies, she spends her time surrounded by cats with attitude and a little puppy named 'Killer'. Other hobbies include murdering houseplants, kayaking, snowboarding, reading, and theater.

After years of slacking she received a master’s degree in forensic psychology in 2007. In addition to studying the criminal mind, she spent a few years spilling drinks on people as a bartender and then wasted another few years stalking people while working as a private investigator in the Denver area.

Cheaters, drunks, deadbeats and family hold a special place in her heart, as well as a few pages in her novels.


Buy The Fairyland Murders - Kindle

Buy The Fairyland Murders - Nook

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ha sounds cool, I dont know about others but I always thought the tooth fairy was kind of creepy so will be neat to see your take on it

  2. New twist on fairly tales and the old kiddy stand bys are always interesting to read. Although I must admit some of the storylines are a bit out there! :-)

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Belinda G
    belgre at centurylink dot net

  3. I liked the author bio and links the best from today's post.

  4. I like that the author murders houseplants in her free time and has a past of 'stalking' people. Should be an interesting read.

  5. I like the setting of the story told by the blurb and excerpt.

  6. I reAlly enjoyed reading the excerpt and the authors bio. This book seems like a really good book, looking forward to reading this.
