
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Cover Plug Review

The COVERPLUG™ is a durable, molded, and paintable plastic panel that plugs right into an electrical socket to cover the entire outlet. These innovative outlet covers are held securely in place by posts on the back that align with the ground openings and require no tools for installation or removal. They are made in the USA and use a specially designed plastic that is easily paintable to match your wall color.
The COVERPLUG™ serves two main functions:
  1. Creates a physical and visual barrier between your family and electrical outlets.
    Covers unsightly outlets and makes them virtually disappear!
For a safer home and seamless walls, the COVERPLUG™ is the only option!

My review

This is the kind of product that you look at and say this is really great I wished I had that all this time whenever I needed it. Parents today are very scared that their child will put their fingers or other things, toys etc, that they use these little plugs. My children learned how to pull these out.

The COVERPLUG is the best solution I have seen. This does not require anything to help install them and they take minutes to get done. I really liked the look of them and like the way that no one sees an outlet that has small plugs in it. You can even paint these to match your room. I really recommend these to anyone who has an outlet they want to cover. I was given this sample free from Tomason for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.

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