
Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Boy Who Couldn't Cry Wolf by Caldric Blackwell Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

The Boy Who Couldn't Cry Wolf by Caldric Blackwell

Author Bio:

Caldric Blackwell realized he loved reading when he read about a bunch of people (with single-syllable names) and their pets (also with single-syllable names) in kindergarten.

Exposure to a host of great authors while studying at the University of California, Santa Barbara inspired him to begin writing fiction. Although he began writing short stories for adults, he eventually migrated to writing children's books. His debut work is an early chapter book titled The Enchanted River Race. His second release is a picture book titled The Boy Who Couldn't Cry Wolf.

Outside of writing, Caldric enjoys hiking and playing the mandolin, banjo, and guitar. Caldric currently resides in California.

Author Links -

Website -

Author Goodreads page -

Amazon author page -

Book Genre: Picture book.
Publisher: Icasm Press.
Release Date: November 20, 2014.
Buy Link(s): Coming Soon

Book Description:

Six-year-old Byron Woodward is a werewolf who can’t howl. Determined not to embarrass himself after being chosen to lead a full-moon ceremony, he embarks on a mission to learn how to howl. He learns a lot about howling during his journey, but more importantly, he learns a valuable lesson about believing in himself.


December 14 - 20

December 14 - Tour Kickoff at VBT Café Blog
December 15 - Spotlight at Deal Sharing Aunt
December 16 -Spotlight at Tea and A Book
December 17 - Reviewed at Platypire Reviews
December 18 - Reviewed at Debbie Jean Blog
December 19 - Spotlight at Readsalot
Deceimber 19 - Spotlight at Mythical Books
December 20 - Spotlight at 3 Partners In Shopping - Nana, Mommy & Sissy Too!December 20 - Reviewed at My Twins Hid My Books...Again
December 20 - Reviewed at I Feel The Need...The Need To Read

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