
Friday, December 12, 2014

Simple Treasures By Jeff Gold Relaxing CD Review

       Title: Simple Treasures
Composer: Jeff Gold
Running Time: 60 Minutes

Jeff Gold's latest CD "Simple Treasures ” is a soothing collection of original melodies featuring beautifully arranged acoustic guitars, piano, strings and flutes.   One full hour of smooth and melodic music, each song has its own unique sound, yet the relaxing tone of the CD remains fluid throughout the entire album. The tempo is ideal for healing and is often used for meditation, massage, reiki and yoga.  It's usually near the top of Amazon's "Relaxation" List.

 It’s also a wonderful way to drift off to sleep. Beautiful and inspiring, “Simple Treasures” can also kick your creativity into high gear, as well as to make more mundane chores less stressful and to seem more like an “afternoon meditation”.  Long drives pass quickly and dishes seem to do themselves.   Artists and writers have found that it creates just the right ambience for creative thinking
Many parents of special needs children have found that "Simple Treasures" and Jeff's other CD “Escapes,” can help to settle their kids down enough to drift off to sleep pleasantly, helping to make bedtime relaxing for everyone.  Jeff’s very special nephew Russell helped to popularize “Simple Treasures” by sharing it with his schoolmates and therapists, who found it to be effective for them too.  Both CD's become an important part of many special needs dance, music and yoga programs and students of all abilities have found that it helps improve focus while studying.

If you’re feeling a little stressed, can’t fall asleep, or just need a little background inspiration, “Simple Treasures” is a one hour get-away that will renew and invigorate your spirit.

The gift of calm makes a great stocking stuffer for Moms, friends. teachers...just about anyone...

My review;

Wow!  I got this CD just in time. I have been sick for the past couple of days. You know the kind of sick where you simply cannot relax and get some sleep. I put this on and it really helped me. I was so stressed out over Christmas I could not settle down. I cannot say enough about these beautiful sounds in "Simple Treasures. I received this CD from Tomoson and all opinions are my own.

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