
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Reflections by Jena Baxter Virtual Book Tour and Book Review

Pump Up Your Book Tours is pleased to bring you author Jena Baxter’s Reflections  (YA / Historical Fantasy) virtual book tour December 1 – January 2.
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Author: Jena Baxter
Publisher: Independent Self Publishing / Jenabaxterbooks
Publication Date: October 31, 2013
Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-0991167715
Genre: YA / Historical Fantasy
Format: Paperback, eBook (.mobi / Kindle), PDF

When Juliette has a domestic servant beaten for pursuing a young man above her station, she finds herself cursed by a witch to live in a world behind her own mirror. She is unable to leave except on the first night of a full moon.
Juliette is forced to seek what food and shelter the new world provides with the help of a unicorn, a man who is half bear, and a centaur. Together they struggle to survive against lions, wolves, and the challenges of watching their friends live and die through the back of the mirror, as their own world, family and friends moves on without them.
Reflections begins in Regency era London, and ends in Clover Springs, California, an all but abandoned Gold Rush town.
A tale of love, friendship, and facing unavoidable challenges.

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Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE

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PUYB Meet the Author

 Jena Baxter

Born in Ojai, and raised in the San Fernando Valley, California, Jena always loved to read, and dreamed of writing a novel. Having the ability, but lacking the confidence to do so, she enrolled in the UCLA Writer’s Extension, and soon her first novel was in process.
Jena writes YA, historical fantasy, and paranormal romance. She is also a screenwriter, and reads for a screenwriting contest annually. She spends her free time with her husband, amazon parrot, and toy maltese. You can visit her website at

Connect with Jena:
Author Website:




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My review;
I just finished reading Reflections and I found it interesting. I liked the storyline and the characters. Juliette is a mean rich girl who seems to finally get what she deserves.  This book is not only suited for young adults but it also is a good fantasy for others who like fantasies. Hopefully Juliette will learn her lesson but will it be in time ?  I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of  a review.