
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Winning For Thanksgiving Giveaway Hop

Winning For Thanksgiving Giveaway Hop! Hosted by MamaNYCThis event will run from NOVEMBER 18-28, 2014.

I am so thankful for my followers that I am giving away two prizes! My Daughter at Deal Sharing Aunt is also giving away the same 2 prizes for this hop! The picture below is of books that her or I have won over the years. The first winner will get to pick 4 books, then the second winner will get to pick 4 books. The third winner gets to pick 4 books from what is left and then the fourth winner gets to pick 4 books from the remaining copies. There will be only one rafflecopter form to enter, but you can enter from my blog or hers! Good Luck and her are the books up for grabs:

Good Luck, please enter here:
 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to enter the other great blogs giving away items here:

DSA and 3 Partners are only responsible for this giveaway pictured and no others in the hop.