
Monday, November 17, 2014

Surfacing by Kristin Halbrook Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Today is the cover reveal for Surfacing by Kristin Halbrook. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours.
Halbrook - SurfacingSurfacing
By Kristin Halbrook

Genre: Mystery
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: December 10, 2014

Katie Sawyer has spent the past three and a half years cultivating the perfect UCLA experience. She has the perfect boyfriend: a football star. She has the perfect social life: she's President of Delta Gamma. But her perfect best friend, Chelsea, just drowned. Worse, the body tumbled out of the closet in Professor Griffin's chem lab.

Katie's fairy-tale fasade hides a past she would like to forget, but Chelsea's death brings every old emotion to the surface. If she's going to move on from her hurts, Katie has to pull her not-so-perfect self together and search out the identity of Chelsea's killer, even if it means turning to Josh Hunter for help. It's not easy. Josh infuriates her. Once upon a time, they were next door neighbors and best friends. They were confidants. They were even teenagers fumbling and exploring each other in the dark. He knew everything about her. He owned her heart. That was before things changed.

Now, secrets are surfacing. Chelsea was seeing someone. And she was pregnant when she died. Katie must come to terms with Chelsea's other life ¦and face the fact that she has some secrets of her own. Even if it means letting the past--and Josh Hunter--back into her life.

A college Clueless meets Veronica Mars, Kristin Halbrook's new adult mystery is full of sexy romance and twists that will keep you guessing until the end.

You can find Surfacing on Goodreads

You can pre-order Surfacing here:
- iTunes

I was six. Summer. A hot one. I spent every day outdoors, back and forth between my house and my neighbor, Josh's. I stopped, one time, on the path between our houses, the one with the spaced pavers, squatting, gathering a bunch of his mom's poppies, until I felt tickles on my legs. Scurries and stops. I looked down; my feet and legs were covered in red ants.
I said nothing, didn't move, my fear and surprise shocking me into stillness. Until Josh came around the corner. He saw my legs, the ants that would bite, bite, bite. The scared girl. Don't move, he said. They won't bite if you don't move.
He ran off, but in that moment, the ants were real and I was real and my skin was real and vulnerable and going to be eaten completely.
I screamed. Screamed and writhed and the ants poked and pinched at my feet and legs and hands as I swiped at them. Josh came back with the hose and sprayed me down as I danced and screamed. Then he held my hand and sat by me as I cried while my mom rubbed medicated lotion on my skin.
Things felt different this side of campus. After all, the last time Chelsea was seen was at a frat party. Police cars were parked at intervals along the road. They talked with guys coming out of their houses, making notes on little notepads. My chest clenched as I realized the killer could be one of them. A cold rush of fear dashed through my veins. Why had I come over here alone? I stopped in front of the Triangle House, prepared to turn back, but paused.
I only knew one person in the Engineering, Science and Architecture frat: Josh. Just as I thought his name, the Triangle door opened and a tall, slenderly muscled boy strode out like he hadn't a care in the world. He stopped at the top of the steps when he saw me standing on the sidewalk, his expression composed. His hazel eyes flickered in the sunlight. He hitched his backpack up his shoulder, his fitted tee bunching up slightly to reveal the bottom of his toned abs.
Abs I knew well. A body that had, once upon a time, made mine sing. Whose touch sent shivers down my spine and woke up all my senses. I took an involuntary step forward. If he noticed the way he still affected me, after all these years, he didn't let on. He came down the stairs, said a quick, "Hey, Katie," and brushed past me.
So much for the kid with the hose.

NA Author Photo Kristin HalbrookAbout the Author:
When she was little, Kristin Halbrook wanted to be a writer, the President of the USA or the first female NFL quarterback. The first one stuck. Even when pursuing other dreams, she always took time to write, including stories for adults, teens, and children. She is the author of Nobody But Us (HarperTeen, 2013) and the forthcoming Every Last Promise (HarperTeen, April 2015). Surfacing is her new adult debut.

When she's not writing or reading, she's spending time with three pixies, her Mad Scot soulmate, and one grumpy cocker spaniel; traveling across oceans and time; cooking and baking up a storm; and watching waves crash and suns set on the beach. She currently lives, loves and explores in The Emerald City, though she occasionally makes wispy, dream-like plans to move to Paris or a Scottish castle one day (if just temporarily).

You can find and contact Kristin here:
- Website
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- Goodreads
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- Instagram

There is a cover reveal wide giveaway for the cover reveal of Surfacing. The giveaway is open international. These are the prizes you can win:
- a gift card of 25$ to an ebook retailer of the winner's choice

Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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