
Friday, November 28, 2014

My Dark Highlander Kilted Athletes Through Time Book 2 by Nancy Lee Badger Blog Tour

 My Dark Highlander

Kilted Athletes Through Time

Book 2

Nancy Lee Badger

Genre: Scottish Time Travel romance

Publisher: Nancy Lee Badger

Date of Publication: Nov. 1, 2014

ISBN: 9781502558558 (print)

ISBN: 9781310158292 (ebook)


Number of pages: 330

Word Count: 90,000

Cover Artist: Nancy Lee Badger

Book Description:

Plucked from her timeline, and stranded in 1603 Scotland, veterinarian Jenny Morgan is eager to get home before someone discovers her secret ability. Reading auras is a curse, and the rainbow of auras surrounding the villagers at the Highland festival is more than she can bear.

Aided by a powerful witch, she returns to New England. She will miss the North Sea, and the man who stole her heart during one dark night, but danger follows her home.

Laird Gavin Sinclair is pulled in too many directions; a missing brother, a murderous father, and a dark-eyed beauty he spent one sin-filled night protecting. When Jenny returns to the future with a witch and another man, danger follows her. Gavin must set aside his obligations, use his sorcery to follow her forward in time, and protect her.

Before returning home, jealousy and lust ravage his dark soul, but his heart lightens when Jenny helps him fight every evil.

Short Description:

Stranded in 1603 Scotland, veterinarian Jenny Morgan is eager to get home to New England. Hiding her ability to read auras, a powerful witch comes to her aid. All Jenny will miss is the man who stole her heart, one dark night. Laird Gavin Sinclair has a missing brother, a murderous father, and a dark-eyed beauty on his mind. When Jenny returns to a dangerous future, he sets aside his obligations and searches for her at the New England Highland Games. Jealousy and lust ravage his dark soul, until he and Jenny fight evil together.



Jenny’s thoughts returned to Gavin. She kicked Balfour’s sides, and the horse trotted down the narrow trail. A few beams of morning light penetrated the crown of gold, red, and yellow leaves, and she regretted that within a month, every leaf would turn brown and drop from the trees. Some dried leaves littered the trail, and she prayed the older Sinclair wasn’t near enough to hear them crunch beneath her horse’s hooves.

Rounding a corner, Gavin and his horse, Falcon, blocked their path. When she reined in Balfour, Jaden-Tog leaned to the side, and peeked around Jenny.

Gavin growled. “Ye found a companion, I see.”

He’s hurt. He fought against your father, so I could escape.”

Aye. Ye were nowhere to be found, young laird,” Jaden-Tog added, his tone low and accusatory.

Gavin’s aura morphed into a brilliant violet, like that of a humble man filled more with compassion, or gratitude, than anger. It was a much better look on him.

I was…never ye mind. If ye shall assist me, we shall capture my sire, and return him to Tulac Castle. Will ye help us?”

Jenny saw the hope in his eyes tinged with envy. Did he think the brownie was enjoying riding so close to her? “He needs medical help, so let’s find Dorcas, before you make any plans to kidnap anyone.”

Kidnap? Ye mean abduct, or capture, aye?”

Aye,” she mimicked. “Let’s go.”

About the Author:

Award-winning author Nancy Lee Badger loves chocolate-chip shortbread and wool plaids wrapped around the trim waist of a Scottish Highlander. Her stories tempt you with the clang of broadswords, and the sound of bagpipes in the air. After growing up in Huntington, New York, and raising two handsome sons in New Hampshire, she moved to North Carolina where she writes full-time. Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, Triangle Area Freelancers, and the Celtic Heart Romance Writers.

Amazon Author Page

My review;

Highlanders, & time travel are 2 of my favorite book themes. I just finished reading My Dark Highlander and I really enjoyed it.   I loved the storyline and  the main characters,  Jenny and Gavin. The author has written one of the best of my favorite kinds of novels.  These 2 characters and their actions are so well written that the reader feels as if they are right there with them. Jenny has the help of a witch to get back to her time period. Gavin has to follow, will they ever see each other again?  Will they ever have a future together?  I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.


  1. Wow! Thank you for reading my latest novel and writing such a glowing review. I hope your readers will enjoy it as well.
    Nancy Lee Badger

  2. I just finished reading My Dark Highlander. It had everything in the story line that I love: adventure, mystery and romance. I will be wrapping two more copies for friends at Christmas.

    1. Thanks Mickey! I am glad you enjoyed the PRINT version of the book, available on-line from stores such as Books-A-Million, B&N, Powell's, Amazon, etc.

  3. Getting a 5 out of 5 is a rare and wonderful review. I will be sure to buy extra copies of My Dark Highlander by Nancy Lee Badger. Thanks for reviewing this novel! - Another lover of time-travel and Scottish romance novels.

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