
Monday, November 24, 2014

Murder the Tey Way by Marilyn Levinson Book Tour, Book Review and Giveaway

Murder the Tey Way
by Marilyn Levinson

Murder the Tey Way
by Marilyn Levinson
  • Cozy Mystery – 300 pages
The sequel to Murder a la Christie. The book will be out in mid-October!!
Professor Lexie Driscoll is leading a Golden Age of Mystery book club discussion of Josephine Tey’s novels, when her sister arrives in a state of agitation. The sisters aren’t close, and Lexie wonders why Gayle has driven from Utah to Long Island to stay with her. The following morning, Gayle awakens Lexie to say there’s a dead man lying in her backyard. Gayle confesses she’s on the run because she witnessed a murder and the murderer is out to get her. Gayle takes off after begging Lexie not to tell the police she’s been there. This presents a problem because Lexie’s boyfriend, homicide detective Brian Donovan, is initially put in charge of the investigation. The murder victim turns out to be a minor criminal suspected of having burgled several homes in the area. Lexie wonders if her sister killed the man, believing he was sent to kill her.
Lexie and her friend Joy Lincoln, a former FBI agent and now a stay-at-home mom, soon discover that all of the book club members either have secrets or are in situations involving the wrong side of the law. An older couple, Marge and Evan Billings, are at the mercy of the criminals they’ve hired to extricate their young granddaughter from Peru. Tim Draigon has lost his attorney’s license for illegal activities. He and Sadie Lu, a guidance counselor, owe money and have borrowed large sums from money lenders connected to the murdered man. Lexie’s neighbors, the Roberts sisters, are strange birds. Corinne dominates her slow sister, Felicity, and berates Lexie whenever she comes to Felicity’s aid. And who is this Johnny Scarvino Felicity fears? Another club member is murdered, one is knocked unconscious, and old and new secrets impact the lives of the members of the book club. Lexie must find the murderer before more lives are destroyed.
About This Author
 A former Spanish teacher, Marilyn Levinson writes mysteries, romantic suspense, and books for kids.
Her latest mystery, Murder a la Christie, is out with Oak Tree Press. Untreed Reads has brought out new e-editions of her Twin Lakes mysteries: A Murderer Among Us, awarded a Suspense Magazine Best Indie, and Murder in the Air. Uncial Press e-publishes her ghost mystery, Giving Up the Ghost, and her romantic suspense, Dangerous Relations. All of Marilyn’s mysteries take place on Long Island, where she lives.
Her books for young readers include No Boys Allowed; Rufus and Magic Run Amok, which was awarded a Children’s Choice; Getting Back to Normal, & And Don’t Bring Jeremy.
Marilyn loves traveling, reading, knitting, doing Sudoku, and visiting with her granddaughter, Olivia, on FaceTime. She is co-founder and past president of the Long Island chapter of Sisters in Crime.
 Author Links
Blog: Makeminemystery the first and third Monday of every month.
Purchase Links:
Amazon B&N

Tour Participants
November 24 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – Review
November 25 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
November 26 – Queen of All She Reads – Review, Guest Post
November 27 – U.S. Thanksgiving
November 28 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Interview  
November 29 – Christa Reads and Writes – Review
November 30 – off
December 1 – Kelly P’s Blog – Guest Post
December 2 – deal sharing aunt – Interview
December 3 – readalot – Review
December 4 – Lori’s Reading Corner – Guest Post
December 5 – Community Bookstop – Review
December 6 – Book Club Librarian – Review
December 7 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review

My review;

I just finished reading a fantastic mystery by Marilyn Levinson about Professor Lexie Driscoll. a relly likable character.
She belongs to a book club with a few friends that love older mystery novels. These are a diverse group of women. When her sister comes and tells her that she has seen her boyfriend murdered she know that she has to help solve this murder and keep her sister safe. The problem is that there are many other secrets to expose and there are others that may be in trouble. How fast can she work to solve these mysteries and will it be fast enough to save some of the other people that she knows?  Can she keep everyone safe? She is certainly going to try. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.

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