
Friday, November 21, 2014

Holiday HOHOHO Hop

Welcome to the Holiday HOHOHO Hop!

Now is your chance to seek out some awesome prizes for those on your Christmas list, but you better hurry, the hop ends on December 5! Make sure to stop by The Review Wire for the Grand Prize, an Erin Condren Life Planner!

Use it as a nutrition/exercise log, newborn sleep & peep record, work meetings & appointments, academic & social planner, keepsake journal or as a scrapbook...the possibilities are endless!

After you enter the Grand Prize you can enter my prize pictured here:

Please enter my Giveaway Here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on December 5, 2014. The HOHOHO Event Bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. Companies and bloggers, if you would like to participate in group giveaway events like this one, sign up to be emailed about future events hosted by Review Wire Media.


  1. What is your favorite drink in winter?

  2. What is your favorite part of the holidays?

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  4. How many reviews will you do before Christmas? Is it your busy season?

  5. Have you started baking Christmas goodies yet?

  6. How do you find the giveaways you feature on your site?

  7. If you could have anything for Christmas what would it be?

  8. What is your best Christmas memory?
