
Monday, November 10, 2014

Eleventh Elementum by J. L. Bond and Val Richards Book Blitz and Giveaway

Eleventh Elementum 
(The Primortus Chronicles, #1)
by J.L. Bond and Val Richards 
Release Date: 12/14/14
Get Over It Publishing

Summary from Goodreads:
It has begun! Fourteen years after a catastrophic disaster, the world has regained its balance with the help of the Primortus. They have secretly walked amongst us since the beginning of time, protecting the earth with the power of the elements. When a fourteen-year-old girl is given two mysterious gifts from a father she never knew, she is drawn into their dangerous world of magic.

She must learn to wield the power of the Eleventh Elementum to survive. With the help of Will (her best friend), his cousin and her new stepsister, she seeks out the evil that threatens New Zealand. But a black-eyed stranger is watching their every move. Now, two powerful beings will battle one another and the outcome will determine our way of life.

Buy Links:

There was a long moment of silence, which was broken by a faint high-pitched sound. Someone was whistling a familiar tune, like a child’s nursery rhyme. The slow dissonant melody sent a chill down her spine.
Suddenly a dark movement caught her eye, and the whistling fell silent. A man was standing there, at the window, his eerie silhouette backlit by the bright sunlight. Skylee’s pulse pounded in her throat. She huddled in the dimly lit corner, hoping she was hidden from view. Goosebumps covered her arms as a sinister creak filled the room, and the window swung open. She blinked and tried to focus her eyes.
He was tall, with black hair, and was dressed in a dark blue uniform. His face was so smooth it looked like a mask. The sunlight tinted his high cheekbones slightly yellow, but it was his black eyes that really scared her. They were like dark holes in his face.

About the Author
J.L. Bond and Val Richards met in college in Clarksville Tennessee, where Val excelled in Math and J.L excelled in creative ways to talk Val out of going to class. A few years later…okay, more than a few, they found themselves living about an hour away from one another in Florida and joined forces to write the Primortus Chronicles, YA fantasy- adventure series.  Nowadays, J.L. likes to remind Val that Math isn’t necessary for writing.

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:


  1. i really enjoyed the book's excerpt..
    thx u for hosting :)

  2. Wow, the excerpt gave me chills! Sounds like a really exciting book I can't wait to check out! Love the cover too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Loved the excerpt. Sounds like one I would enjoy.
    Jennifer Rote

  4. The excerpt makes me want to read more!!!!
