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Friday, October 3, 2014

Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton Blog Tour and Giveaway

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This is my stop during the blog tour for Willows of Fate (Lands of the Sun and Stone series #1) by Suzanna J Linton. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 3 till 16 October, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of LolaĆ¢€™s Blog Tours.

WillowsofFateFinalWillows of Fate (Lands of the Sun and Stone series #1)
by Suzanna J Linton

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Age category: Adult
Release Date: October 3, 2014

Know thyself...

All her life, Desdemona has seen things others haven't. Dragons, knights, dwarves, kids with three eyes. Heeding her mother's advice, she keeps silent about this and struggles through life, pretending everything is normal.

At her mother's death, Desdemona returns to a home haunted with memories but she is determined to not be shaken from what little normalcy she has. However, when her brother is murdered and she uncovers a family secret, Desdemona realizes that there is more to what she sees. Perhaps a whole other world, one that's willing to kill to have her as its own.

You can find Willows of Fate on Goodreads

SuzannaAbout the Author:
Suzanna Linton became a writer the first day she picked up a pencil, scribbling happily in magazines and books. Growing up in (very) rural South Carolina, she was steeped in legends and ghost stories and was surrounded by her mother's ever-growing book collection. She graduated from Francis Marion University with a degree in Professional Writing and bounced from job to job until she landed in a library, where she met her now-husband. She lives with him in South Carolina with their two dogs and cat.


I pick up the first journal, the one I’d fallen asleep while reading, and flip until I come to place where I’d left off. An image of the teenager in the photograph fills my mind, writing the words in these pages as I read them. Time ticks by as the sun eases through the afternoon, drawing light slowly from the room until Eric is forced to flick on the overhead.

I wince and rub my eyes. Tense shoulder muscles tangle in a snarl and I roll them.

“Maybe we should take a break,” Eric suggests.

“Maybe. Have you come across anything useful?”

He shakes his head. “Just paranoid rantings, as far as I can tell. Sometimes it’s lucid. She talks about childhood memories or things that have gone on at the nursing home.”

“What kind of paranoia?”

“People stealing her things. People watching her. She complains that someone comes into her room every now and again and reorders it or knocks things over.”

My face feels cold as the blood drains away.

Eric frowns. “What is it?”

I shake my head, looking back down at the journal in my hands. “Nothing.”

“It doesn’t look like nothing.”

I close the book and stand. “I’m going for a walk.” Turning, I stride toward the hallway.

His chair scrapes back as he springs to his feet. “Desdemona, wait.”

I stop in the doorway and face him, crossing my arms. “What?”

“This isn’t going to work if you hide things from me.”

“I’m not hiding anything.”


Scowling, I glare at him.

He moves to stand in front of me. “Des.” His voice is soft. Soothing. Like I’m a frightened filly and he seeks to calm me. “You can trust me. To get through this, you’re going to need to trust someone.”

His summer-blue eyes plead with me. Maybe there are those who can stand alone in the worst of situations, relying on inner strength and commitment to see them through. I am not one of those. My resolve crumbles beneath those eyes. I step back, his hands slipping away.

“I see things, too,” I tell him.

He frowns. “Things? Like Samantha sees?”

“Not like what she sees. I see and experience the exact same things.”

You can find and contact Suzanna here:
- Website
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Goodreads

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Willows of Fate. These are the prizes you can win:
- e-copy of Willows of Fate through smashwords
- 20$ amazon gift card

Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

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