
Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Gifted Trilogy by Erin Manbeck Blog Tour and Giveaway


AUTHOR NAME: Erin Manbeck

Gift of Sight

Gifted” Trilogy, #1

Feisty, smart mouth Regan thought that breaking up with her boyfriend Sam was going to be the start of her independence.  Instead, she is manipulated and dragged into a world where sharp, sarcastic wit isn't going to save her.  Turning to her Gram for help, the only remaining relative she has, Regan is upset to find out that her grandmother has been keeping family secrets of her own all these years.

With a vengeful goddess using people to try and bring Regan to the Underworld, Gram brings in three Guardians to protect her.  Given the short version of what is expected of her, loaded with a lot of expectations for her future, Regan knows first-hand that life is too short.  She isn't letting anyone make life-altering decisions for her despite finding out that the vengeful goddess has placed a price on her head.

This book will make you laugh, feel connected to the characters, and leave you wanting more.

Warning: Adult language and sexual situation


Gift of Power

Gifted” Trilogy, #2

Power equals responsibility.

Despite declaring to those closest to her that she will take her position as Queen, Regan’s first priority is not to rule, but to find her parents. With Jake at her side, she is determined to learn how to use her new powers and hide from her destiny, as well as the Council, a little while longer.

Unfortunately, someone has been watching and reporting every move Regan makes. She is disheartened to find out the Council is already eagerly awaiting her arrival in Ireland and have apparently started to plan her future…one that does not include Jake.

Regan must decide just how much she is willing to sacrifice to protect her people from a vengeful goddess, while also weeding out the traitor among them. In the end, will she have the strength to withstand losing any of them?


Gift of Prophecy

Gifted” Trilogy, #3

Regan’s arrival in Ireland may have heightened her powers, but it has also given Agrona and her minions more cause to make sure she never makes it to her coronation. With every attack and the harsh welcome she receives from the council, Regan is more determined than ever to prove why the deities have chosen her to be the Queen.

Although, part of her has accepted that she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice, it isn't until Regan finds herself in the Otherworld being handed over to Agrona that the reality hits her. Will Jake and her family survive without her?



I’m an author in hiding…I still work full time, but don’t ever look over my shoulder to see what’s on my computer screen. Chances are you will find me secretly writing.

Besides family and friends, I love to laugh. It may be at the expense of those I love, but they get me, so I usually don’t offend too much.

Honesty…I can’t help it. I usually say way I feel, but with a little guidance, I’ve learned to be more tactful.

I’ve worked in plenty of environments (trucking company, correction officer and I was in the military to mention a few) so I guess you can say that’s where my mouth and attitude come from. Either way, as long as I get my morning cup of coffee people are safe.

The Trilogy is complete and I also have a new stand-alone book called “Dreamless”. It’s a Paranormal Suspense that’s a bit lighter on the language, but will keep you guessing who the Nightmare really is.


Gift of Sight Excerpt Once:

Regan could tell he was being sincere, but she didn’t care. “You said most of the time, what about the other times? What did you do?” Regan’s questions were being fired out like a machine gun burst.

Jake was definitely having a hard time finding the right words. He went with the honest approach. Over the year quite a few times, you really have nothing to be embarrassed about. You are beautiful.”


“What? Why do you want me to do that?”


Jake couldn’t believe what she was asking. “Regan, I am not taking my clothes off.”

Regan screamed into Jake's face...

Suddenly Gram was at her side. “Honey, why are you screaming? What are you getting so upset about?”

Regan never took her eyes off Jake. “He needs to get naked. It’s only fair.”

“Honey, why would Jake need to be naked to talk to you?” Even Gram had a bit of a laugh mixed in her tone.

“Over the last year there have been moments where he has seen me naked. The only way I am going to be comfortable with that fact is if he gets butt naked right now, an eye for an eye, so to speak.”

Piper jumped in to help. “She’s right, Jake. I mean, if someone saw me naked like that without me knowing and then I had to work with him or her, you bet .... I would make them strip. Come on, Maggie, we don’t want to see that, so we should go back into the kitchen until he is done.”

"You have a ..." Regan asked Jake.

"No, of course not, Piper is messing around."

"See, the smart money was on yes because then I might have said to forget this whole thing, but since you said no…get in the birthday suit. You’re wasting precious time."

Gift of Sight: Excerpt Two:

Sam’s response was to hit Regan in the face again, but this time on the opposite side. “Isn’t it simple, Regan? I want you and that smart mouth to come with me.”

Through the tears that had started to fall down her face, she replied, “So you plan on beating me into submission? I don’t work that way you know that. Besides, what real man hits a girl?”

Regan, SHUT UP!

Is what she thought, but it was too late. Sam punched the side of her head, which caught both her temple and part of her eye. She instantly saw stars and could feel the blood trickling down the side of her face.

Damn it! I think he just split my eye. He’s got gorilla hands. How have I never noticed those huge man hands?

Then, like a light had switched on in Sam’s head, he gently started to run his hand down the side of her face. “I can’t wait for the black eyes to appear on your lovely face. They will have to temporarily take the place of those dark circles I’d gotten so used to seeing. What happened to those eyes, Regan? Your trademark circles seemed to have disappeared over night. Is it because you slept with that dog? I expected so much more from you, Sweetie.”

“No, nothing happened, Sam. Please stop hitting me. You are wasting your time. I made my decision. I don’t want to be with you and I won’t be going back with Gram and the rest of them. They bound my powers so I can stay here and be normal. Please just let me go.”

“You’re lying!”

Gift of Power Excerpt One:

“When I was in the Otherworld, Agrona promised two things. One, if she gets those long fingers on me she will use me to come back. She swore that if she came back it meant that she would destroy all those I love and care for, and leave no McQuigan linage to remember. Secondly, if I chose not to help, she was going to kill my parents. So you see, no matter what decision I make she will destroy the people I love.

“What would apparently surprise you is that I told her I’m not so selfish that I would put my parents before not only my people, but all of humanity. So, don’t YOU all jump the gun and think you know me as well as you think you do. My life has changed. I have changed. I have new feelings and beliefs flowing through me every second that none of you will ever understand.”

She turned her head slightly and spoke over her shoulder. “For your sake, as well as mine, I will be patient right now. I will sleep on it tonight and hopefully by tomorrow I will have a better grasp on everything that we have discussed, and I’m hoping with your help, I will have a plan.

“Let me lastly remind you, and I’m not trying to be a bitch, but if that’s how you see it, so be it, but the decision I make will be my own. You will choose to stand beside me or you will choose to walk away. Either choice, I will accept without judgment.” She turned back to all of them. “We all have a lot to think about so let’s get some sleep tonight and talk again in the morning.” Regan then walked out of the room and headed for her bedroom without giving any of them a chance to refute what she had said.

That’s right people; I just walked out like a boss!

Gift of Power Excerpt Two:

“This is too much, Jake. I don’t know how to handle this. I’m supposed to be strong, I’m supposed to be a leader, I’m supposed to do a lot of shit that I haven’t even been briefed on yet, and I don’t want it. I don’t want that life. All I want right now is revenge. How do I do this?”

Jake enveloped her in his arms. He pulled her so tight that she was being smothered. She didn’t want his protective arms, she wanted to punch something, kick something, and DO SOMETHING! Jake released her just enough to attempt to make eye contact with her. Regan couldn’t bare it. She didn’t want Jake to see this evil that was taking over her being. She felt the darkness climbing from her toes and slowly making its way up. Soon it would have her heart and there would be no turning back.

“Just let me go, Jake. You all deserve someone better. Someone who isn’t capable of this much hate, because right now that’s all I feel.”

Jake grabbed her by the face and placed a kiss on her lips. It only slightly distracted her. “Did you feel that, Regan? Do you feel this?” He grabbed her more forcibly and slammed his mouth onto hers. For a moment she fought it, he deserved better. However, when he ran his tongue over her lip, she slowly started to let him. Before she knew it, she was backed up against Oaky and giving just as much as she was getting. Jake picked her up enough that she was able to wrap her legs around his waist. He slammed into her, and instead of feeling pain, she moaned. “Do you feel that, Regan? Do you feel how much I love you, how much I want you? Do you think I would settle for just anything or anybody? It’s you, it’s always been you.” He kissed her again, but this time it was gentler, and she started to feel the love again. “Get your head on straight and talk to me. Don’t let the hate take over. You will get your day of justice, but not like this. Don’t walk away from me now. I’m here for you. I will help you get what you want. Do you understand that?”

Gift of Power Excerpt Three:

“Lead the way, Buttercup. No, stop, don’t like that nickname, I have to come up with another one. Lover, no, ill, I sound like the chick from ‘Saturday Night Live’. Caveman, yes, that’s the one that still sticks. Lead the way, Caveman.”

“Hey, if I’m supposed to be watching my language, you can’t flaunt it in front of me like that.”

Jake eventually just grabbed her hand and started to pull Regan out the door. “What’s wrong with the word ass?”

Regan decided that being pulled didn’t suit her, so she double-timed her steps in order to walk side by side with Jake...

Jake thought about it for a second and finally just started laughing. Regan sighed, “At least we look natural, you laughing at me, me wondering why?”

Jake, while still laughing, wrapped her in another big hug. “My mission has been accomplished.”

“I got you distracted enough to get you into position. Piper and Maggie will be out soon.”

Regan surveyed the area and then her stomach flopped. “Oh shit. I really hope it’s a friendly cat?”

“I’ll give you one guess.”

Gift of Prophecy Excerpt One:

“Stay behind me, all three of you, and that is not a request.”

When Regan had first seen the council members, an image had flashed in her mind.

What the hell, why not?

She didn’t even have to touch the ground to feel the connection. Everything around her, since she arrived in Ireland, seemed to call to her. She raised her hands ever so slightly, and concentrated on the level ground that was between her and the stage. Tapping into nature, she prayed. “I call upon my abilities and I ask for your help.”

At first there was a small vibration, an effect that had Regan not sure what she was doing, but when the earth before her started to violently tremble all she could think was, “Thank you Danu and Oaky.”

To make sure the council knew her intentions, she spoke loud and clear. Keep those that doubt me and are not pure of heart from reaching me.

Regan placed her palms together and directed them at the center of the open area. While visualizing what she wanted, she pulled her hands apart and watched as the ground in front of her slowly started to tear apart. A large crack appeared in the center of the open area and the ground began to separate. By the time her arms were spread wide, the fifty feet that had separated her and the stage, was nothing more than a gaping hole that didn’t appear to have a bottom.

Regan, not satisfied yet, continued creating this bottomless pit around the entire stage, until it stood like a lone island in a vast sea, with all of its occupants now huddled together, except for her one lone wolf. Rewarding him for standing apart from the others, she’d offer him an olive branch, so to speak.

Regan raised her hands higher this time and drew from what remained around her. Strong roots, embedded in the earthen pit walls, began to come alive. The once nestled roots pulled away from their home in the dirt, entwining together as they reached out across the chasm. They continuously stretched until they met their counterpart, coming from the other side. When connected, what appeared in front of everyone was a small bridge. “Conall, I offer you this opportunity to join me, since you are probably the only one of the nine that wishes to remain a member. If you choose to join me, walk across my bridge before I remove it.”

Conall let out a laugh and saluted his fellow council members. With no fear, he walked quickly across Regan’s makeshift bridge, and with every step, Regan not only saw his aura become brighter, but her trust in a man she had never met grew. It was unquestionable that he belonged to the light. When Conall came to the end and took his last step off the bridge, he smiled widely.

Just as she was getting ready to speak, Regan saw the other members starting to make a move for the bridge. She instantly dropped her hands, in turn dropping the bridge, and leaving them to think about their actions.

Gift of Prophecy Excerpt Two:

Regan went to the oaken doors and requested them to open. When they did, she had Piper drag Edana across the threshold. When they sealed shut, she placed her hands on the doors. The eyes were aglow and the voices were in her head before she could address them.

How may we be of service, Queen Regan?”

She spoke for all present to hear. “How about explaining why you let this woman in the castle. Did you not say you would protect me?”

We will always protect you, but we too have our limits. She is a goddess and we cannot deny her entry.”

Regan stepped back. “She’s a what?”

Before they could answer, a laugh echoed behind her. Regan slowly turned her head, while praying that the laugh didn’t belong to the woman she thought it did. “You heard them, Queenie, I am a goddess, and they can’t stop me from entering.”

Not knowing what to expect, Regan’s mama bear came out. “Piper, get the hell away from her, NOW!”

Piper went to walk away, but Edana grabbed her and pulled the small dagger from off her waist. She held it to Piper’s throat. “Not so fast, warrior. I like you. You would make a good addition to my floor collection.”

Piper’s eyes were wide. “What the hell is she talking about, Regan, and why is she suddenly stronger than me?”

Regan’s mind flashed back to a different scene. She was once again watching Abram as he held a knife to Gram’s throat, while she stood frozen to the spot. She couldn’t let this happen again. Shaking off the cowardice that was just at her fingertips, she knew she had to save Piper. “Agrona, I see you are practicing with others. Do you think that is going to help you? I won’t give myself over to you.”

Piper whispered a holy shit, while all the Knights just gawked at what Regan had just said. Agrona let out another laugh. “Oh, Queenie, you are so smart, but so foolish. You could save them all if you come with me now.

Gift of Prophecy Excerpt Three:

Danu spoke to Regan. “My Child, if you are done gawking at the lovely Brigitt, I would like for you to stand and come join us. Your ring has centered your focus back to the here and now, so I would like to introduce you.”

Not if she intends on kicking my ass. Look at how she’s eyeing me. Did I offend her or something?”

Brigitt stood up straight and her eyes became even more acute. “You can speak to me directly and, yes, I might attack you if you decide to break down like that in front of your people again. Get off the ground and get over here. We are only here to bring Josephine home, so you have nothing to worry about right now.”

Regan let out a grunt as she started to get up. “Right now? The Griffins are definitely yours. Did you train them to be a pain in the ass?”

Brigitt turned to Danu, “See, I told you she was more like me, despite the meltdown just now.” She looked back at Regan, but this time offered a smile. “You don’t train Griffins. They are loyal creatures that offer their services when they respect you. They are not infallible, but who is. If we were all perfect, the deities would still be in this realm. Come, Regan, we don’t have much time. Josephine is rather impatient.”

As Regan approached the goddesses, Brigitt still owned her attention. “Is it normal for the two of you to show up like this? Gram doesn’t even descend from your line, so why would you be here? Not that I don’t want you here, because I think this is awesome, I’m just confused and why do you appear to be in solid form when you are spirits in this realm?”

So many questions, and we have so little time. No, Regan, it is not normal for any deity to appear before their people in public like this, but today is different. We have used quite a lot of our power to materialize into this form because we needed everyone here to see us. Much like Danu, and like yourself, I love my family. I knew that you, as well as the people, were going to need my support today. Danu and I are bringing Josephine to the Otherworld, as well as reassuring the people, that although they don’t know you yet, you are the Queen that has been chosen.

My family has blended into the Tuatha just as they have into mine. We are all one. You follow those instincts of yours and you will find that in time, the followers of Danu will not be your only loyal subjects. Besides, why are you acting so surprised? The Griffins told you there would be three powerful forces here today, who did you think they were talking about?”

Regan stopped two feet in front of the goddesses. “Gram, mom and I, but obviously I was wrong. You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you did speak with the Griffins and teach them how to be a little more forthcoming in their information or maybe how to be a little more specific.”

Brigitt gave Regan that glare again, and Regan almost took a step back. “Maybe, Young Queen, you should learn to ask the right questions, and then you would get answers that you like. Good job not backing down just now when I gave you my evil eye. The people will love that.”

Gift of Prophecy Excerpt Four:

The truth is, I want their support, and I need their help. Should I just ask them real quick what they think? No, I just said this wasn’t a meeting. Besides, I’m nicer after I eat. I wonder when they are going to bring in the food.

Reading her mind, Jake leaned over and showed Regan a button on the side of the table. She asked him, “Will this bring on the feast?” When he nodded, she started hitting the button like crazy. She stopped when a door opened and a line of staff started piling into the room, each one carrying a tray loaded with food. She watched as they placed bowls of salad and soup, accompanied with loaves of bread onto the center of the table. Her eyes must have shown her disappointment because her mother started to laugh. “Honey, this is just the start. There will be meat after this.”

“Thank God, because I’m not a rabbit.”

“No, you never were.” Veronica turned to the group. “Terence and I learned very early that we needed to put all the food out at once. Regan would get so upset if there wasn’t some kind of meat on the table.”

Regan rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t that bad. I just wasn’t a fan of salad unless there was a cow on top of it.”

Maggie leaned over and started to cut herself a piece of bread. “So as a child, you weren’t happy unless you were butchering the English language or animals for food. Glad to see some things haven’t changed.”

Before Regan could respond, Ormand spoke to Veronica. “My Lady, it’s been a very long time. How are you doing?”

Veronica took the piece of bread Maggie offered and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m good, Ormand. I mean, I’ve been kept away from my family for all this time, my mother was killed, Abram stabbed me with the intention to kill me, and my daughter is next on their list. Oh, and my husband is still imprisoned. I’d say I’m doing great.”

Everyone fell silent and just stared at Veronica as she buttered her bread. Regan couldn’t believe her mother had just spit that out and she almost kicked her under the table. Piper was all smiles. “Well, if that doesn’t prove the apple didn’t fall from the tree, I don’t know what does. She might be looking at you all shocked right now, but Regan knows she would have said the same thing.”

TOUR GIVEAWAY DETAILS GRAND PRIZE: Signed Copy of the entire Trilogy, Signed Copy of my new book Called “Dreamless” and Bookmarks to match RUNNERS UP: 3 Runner ups: Signed Copy of the Entire Trilogy

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I wonder how she came up with the idea for continuing the trilogy. I have nor read it yet, but look forward to it.

  2. aled ol, When I started the book I wasn't thinking trilogy, but the more I wrote, and the less I slept (I'ma night writer) the more I found myself adding. By the time I finished the first book I still had a ton to tell. Thanks for the comment and go download your copy of the first book today. Last day it's free. :)

  3. How long did it take for you to write the entire trilogy?

    1. Jeanine B,
      Writing, editing, and covers took me 5 months. Very quick for a trilogy, but once I started I couldn't stop. I go nuts waiting for continuation books and I didn't like the idea of keeping people waiting to long.
