
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Murder in Real Time by Julie Anne Lindsey Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway with Guest Post

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Murder in Real Time
by Julie Anne Lindsey

The mystery is interesting and kept me flipping the pages until the end, wanting to know who was doing this and why. I also really liked the way the author tells the story. She’s creative with it and I felt like I was one of the islanders through most of the story.
~The Gal in the Blue Mask
As for the mystery, it’s an engaging one that will keep the reader hooked all the way to the end… So as I tell my students – if you want to know what happens you HAVE to read the book. Seriously, I highly recommend you read the book. My to be read list is out of control and there’s not much room to add more, so when I say that I’m adding a series to my must read list (you know the list of authors/series that you always buy?) then you know the book is a must read.
~Booklady’s Booknotes

  • Print Length: 228 pages
  • Publisher: Carina Press (September 29, 2014)
  • ASIN: B00KV62MK4

Book three of The Patience Price Mysteries
With the chaos of summer tourists and fall birders out of town, counselor Patience Price is looking forward to the quiet life she remembers. She longs for some peace. And an apple fritter. But the calm is cut short when a reality show sets up camp to film a special about ghosts on her little island. Now fans, reporters and crew have flocked to sleepy Chincoteague. Who knew ghost hunters had an entourage?
When two cast members are killed in a room at the local B&B—a room usually occupied by Patience’s FBI agent boyfriend, Sebastian—she finds herself on the case. Sebastian doesn’t want Patience ruffling any feathers but, as always, she can’t help herself.
Patience promises to let Sebastian handle the investigation—he is FBI, after all—but after a drive-by shooting, her wicked curiosity gets the best of her. And with the TV show forging ahead with filming, the list of suspects (and the line of food trucks) only grows. But has the shooter already flown the coop? And how do you find a killer when you don’t know who the target is?
Thank you so much for the author to guest on our blog today,
Guest Post;

Writing with Children

Writing is an astronomically difficult task on my best day, in solitude, with coffee. Writing this fall has been a spectacular test of patience, endurance and sanity. With school back in session and the kids getting older (1st, 3rd and 6th grade – all on the local swim team – two in academic fast-track programs) I’m losing what’s left of my loopy mind. I cry out regularly, “I’m only ONE person.” Usually, I’m alone while yelling, but I admit to losing it in front of the husband on occasion, too. And over the phone with my literary agent. Sometimes via texts with friends. Always to my mother. Bless her heart for never letting my calls go to voice mail. She must know I’m calling for a hug. She has to know.

Fall is hard. In the summer, things are different. Easier. Yes, all the kids are home, but in the summer, they can go outside. Even in the rain. Barring a lightning storm or tornado, my kids live in the yard, making mud pies and shooting hoops. Sometimes shooting mud pie hoops. Cumulatively they exude enough energy to power the Space Station, but in the summer, I can write in relative peace. No one needs anything. Nothing. Everything is calm.

But it’s not summer.

It’s a new sign, review, purchase, gather, create everything school year / homework-apocalypse. Even while the kids are gone, I can’t write like I want. I have to do allllll the things. I’m the mom. I do the hunting and gathering. Plus, random supply shopping for things that weren’t on the bring home lists. And the shoe and pant shopping for kids who outgrew the pants and shoes they just wore in the spring. Little Miss needs a special dress for picture day. Guess when that is? TOMORROW. Because for some reason my kids never bring a flyer home until the day stuff happens, I should be thankful for the gracious 24-hours of notice. I am thankful, of course, to have happy, healthy, growing children, but the writing….when does this happen? When? Seriously. I’m asking you because I’m not sure how to remove sleep from my repertoire or clone myself before my next deadline. Halloween is my next deadline. If you know a reputable cloner…give her my card.

Okay. I know. Mine are good problems to have. It’s true. But, the plummet back into the school/swim routine has made my writing-life sporadic, wildly unpredictable and a little bananas. As an author, the bananas show. As a person, too. I kicked my shoes off yesterday and discovered I’d worn two different shoes while shopping for new goggles and clearance Nikes. I somehow walked around all morning in one penny loafer and one Converse without laces. Fancy.

As I’m writing this post, I’m eyeballing a list of things that need written, edited or plotted, all by Halloween and another list of school-room-mom responsibilities also with that deadline. My laundry is taller than my middle child and we’ve eaten canned soup with grilled cheese for three dinners in a row. Can you stand the glamour? Writing with kids isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Authoring isn’t pretty. Parenting isn’t pretty. But I can’t imagine life without either. I’m made of those things (and may others – equally crazy, but loved). As my heroine, Patience Price, says, “My life may be bananas, but they’re MY bananas.”

So, for now. I’ll write what I can. Love the giggles out of my kids and praise my patient husband for his endless support and encouragement. Then, I’ll put on a pot of coffee when the family turns in tonight and write myself into another world, where the sun sets over a harbor, wild ponies roam the island and Patience gets herself into trouble with a killer.

If your days are made of nuts and insanity, I hope you’ll consider a mental vacation with me, Patience and her crew. Chincoteague, Virginia is the perfect escape and Murder in Real Time might even make you smile.

And here’s to parenting! Cheers! (I can’t promise there’s straight coffee in this mug).


Murder in Real Time

With the chaos of summer tourists and fall birders out of town, counselor Patience Price is looking forward to the quiet life she remembers. She longs for some peace. And an apple fritter. But the calm is cut short when a reality show sets up camp to film a special about ghosts on her little island. Now fans, reporters and crew have flocked to sleepy Chincoteague. Who knew ghost hunters had an entourage?

When two cast members are killed in a room at the local B&B—a room usually occupied by Patience's FBI agent boyfriend, Sebastian—she finds herself on the case. Sebastian doesn't want Patience ruffling any feathers but, as always, she can't help herself.

Patience promises to let Sebastian handle the investigation—he is FBI, after all—but after a drive-by shooting, her wicked curiosity gets the best of her. And with the TV show forging ahead with filming, the list of suspects (and the line of food trucks) only grows. But has the shooter already flown the coop? And how do you find a killer when you don't know who the target is?

About Julie:

Julie Anne Lindsey is a multi-genre author who writes the stories that keep her up at night. She’s a self-proclaimed nerd with a penchant for words and proclivity for fun. Julie lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three small children. Today, she hopes to make someone smile. One day she plans to change the world.

Murder in Real Time is the conclusion to The Patience Price Mysteries series, from Carina Press.

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About This Author
Julie Anne Lindsey is a multi-genre author who writes the stories that keep her up at night. She’s a self-proclaimed nerd with a penchant for words and proclivity for fun. Julie lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three small children. Today, she hopes to make someone smile. One day she plans to change the world.

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