
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hoppin’ Halloween Giveaway Hop

This Hoppin’ Halloween Giveaway Hop is hosted by MamaNYC and is from October 24-31, 2014!
I am giving away a 2 books and some halloween decor. 
Winner can pick 2 books from this list:
1. Related by Chance, Family by Choice by Deb DeArmond
2. Past Medical History by Donald B. Stewart, M.D.
3. The Amazing Crystal by Gerald Lizee
4. Shelter by Patricia H. Aust

Please enter here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to enter the other great giveaways here: ~
3 Partners in Shopping is responsible for this giveaway, not the others listed in the linky. MamaNYC is responsible for the host giveaway only.


  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    jessica edwards

  2. What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

  3. how do you keep up with all you need to do on a blog?
