
Friday, October 10, 2014

Broken by Tanille Edwards Virtual Blurb Blitz Tour and Giveaway


by Tanille Edwards



Meet Milan, a young supermodel with a disability from New York’s Upper East Side, who falls deeply in love as she is coming of age. In this romantic drama, the emotional conflict of a girl’s inner soul is revealed as she deals with a first love, the pain of loss, and the pleasures of stardom, all while coping with a lifelong secret. In the world of Milan, the people are real, the situations are rolling, and the truth is often concealed. Broken is a racy circle of sisterhood, laced with a touch of earthiness, glamour, wealth, and fame.



The light changed. I waited anxiously for a chance to walk through traffic. I couldn’t see him. He wouldn’t do this to me. I knew he must have seen me. It’s me! The crowd at the opposite corner just kept growing. Yikes! This light was going to mess me up! I was desperately impatient. I ran across the street against the light. An Escalade was steering straight for me. I was going to stop right there. But I just ran. A thought of my mother crossed my mind.

I had to risk it to find him. As soon as my foot hit the curb, the crowd charged across the street. Had that millisecond even made a difference? I still didn’t see him. I charged against the crowd. It was like 20 people deep. I thought I had finally made it through the maze of people when I turned my head left, then right to look for Noel. Unannounced, a 10-year-old’s mother grabbed on her so hard she slammed against me. I fell from the recoil.

There I was, on the pavement, only a moment away from tears. In the rain, my blouse and jeans completely soaked. This was New York, right? No one was going to lend me a hand to get up. And I was falling behind. I could barely think straight. How could he come to this corner and not come to the house? How could he just have walked by? Where was he?

Had he fled upon seeing me? Like when I fled upon seeing him kiss that girl? The reminder alone hollowed out my chest. It was that wretched, empty feeling you got right before you break down and cry. I couldn’t help the tears. It felt like I had lost him all over again. It felt like I was defeated and mistaken and not deserving. It felt like his love was not mine. My face was so wet that no one could see I was crying. I was probably going to get pneumonia. Would it serve me right? The world was not mine, after all. I shared it with millions of people, people who had prayers much deeper than mine. I was to cross the street and go back up to the apartment. I was to learn to love. … A knot gathered in my throat as I thought. I was to learn to love those who loved me and stop pretending things would ever change.

I stood just outside the building awning. Wet and shivering, I had no concerns for the cold. I couldn’t go inside crying. That was one thing. No one ever knew how I cried. I stood there and I asked God to let the rain wash away my broken heart. I asked him, had I even seen Noel?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tanille is the co-author and creator of the children's green book series "Jordan & Justine's Weekend Adventures." She is also the author of the new media young adult novel with music "Cameo by Tanille." Th¬e Undercover Starlet Journal is a title Tanille created to inspire young women and has extended Undercover Starlet into brand extensions that appear throughout

her novels. Tanille has been writing since age 16.



Readers get free music downloads of the new Pop R&B hits "All of Me" and "What's a Girl to Do" by Tanille, and more with purchase.

Broken is on sale for only $1.99 for a limited time at all outlets

a Rafflecopter giveaway