
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Black Atonement by Sasha Hibbs Book Blitz and Giveaway

Black Atonement
Release Date: 09/26/14
Evernight Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
The burden of Dave’s girlfriend’s death pushes Brandi, the Seraph of Love, to abduct David Howels hoping she can protect Dave from his murderous father, Ragnar, and also atone for all her sins. Leaving a trail of broken hearts, will Brandi be able to show Dave that all in life is not lost in death? Twists and turns abound as Brandi discovers her own shocking revelation: That Dave has been her soul mate all along.

Separating Dave and herself from their allies on the threshold of the apocalypse, Brandi turns to an old friend for help-a witch-to aid her in her quest to prepare Dave to face his worst fears and her own. Filled with curses, secrets that threaten to destroy everything, Brandi must find forgiveness from within before she can find love with a boy she’s forced to hate her. In the past, healing a broken heart would’ve been easy, but now faced with the task of healing Dave’s broken heart while not exposing her own, Brandi learns why love is truly the greatest gift of all.

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Books in this series:
(Covers linked to Goodreads)


When that flaming arrow pierced Lucy Nashoba’s heart, Brandi instantly felt the severed connection between Lucy and Dave. It lacerated her own heart, splitting it in two. She would have gladly switched places with Lucy to spare Dave the heartache that currently exhausted his body.

It was all so clear now. Brandi had wallowed in self-loathing for so long, she couldn’t see what had been in front of her, couldn’t identify with what it was like to love anymore. She didn’t know what to do, how to tell him, how to begin. After all her misery, Brandi didn’t feel she deserved a second chance at so heavy a cost. Edgar Byron Warwick, son of Vulcan, was not her soul mate. David Howels, son of Ragnar, fallen pack leader of the Hell Hounds, was.

Brushing a red curl away from his brow, Brandi had one last thought before drifting off into sleep: how would she ever atone for all her sins?

About the Author
By age 5, Sasha Hibbs' favorite movie was Gone With the Wind. By age 12, she completed her 7th grade book report on the sequel, Scarlett. By 18, she met and married her very own Mr. Rhett Butler and as it turns out, she never had to worry about going back to Tara to win the love of her life back. Fortunately, he stuck with her.  

With a love of all things paranormal, the ambiance of the South with its gigantic antebellum mansions and canopies of Spanish moss, and a love for her husband’s rich storytelling of blacksmiths and the mythology surrounding their origins, it wasn’t long until the world of her debut novel, Black Amaranth, was born.

When not working her day job as a nurse, you can find Sasha dreaming of her next beach trip, reading the latest YA novel, and drinking more white chocolate mocha than she should.  

Sasha lives in mountainous West Virginia with her husband, Tim, and their two daughters, Aeliza and Ava. She is currently hard at work on her next novel in The Vulcan Legacies series.

***Author Links***
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