
Friday, September 26, 2014

Emma Brewster: Too Hot to Handle by Mary Moriarty Tasty Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Emma Brewster: Too Hot to Handle

By: Mary Moriarty

Releasing Oct 25th, 2014

Self Published


Emma Brewster comes from a long line of Brewster witches and she is not only a witch but a fire-starter witch. She is supposed to be able to control that element but so far she can’t control much of anything when she comes in contact with a handsome man.

Now why is she always bumping into that new, handsome man who just so happens to be a Fire Fighter. She has taken to wearing colored contacts and sunglasses, even on cloudy days so her eyes don’t see him that clearly… but he always seems to be around. Boy is he hot… and oh drats there goes another fire cropping up!

Cas O’Halloran came to this supposed sleepy town to get away from the big city life, except once he bumped into that beautiful redheaded woman on that rainy morning at the bagel shop, his life has been anything but normal or low keyed. His Chief said there have been more unexplained little fires since his arrival than anytime in the history of Cadwell Harbor.

This once sleepy, picturesque town is constantly on fire’. So Cas wants to find out why, but he also wants to find out why of all women he is attracted to this red-head who wears sunglasses on rainy, cloudy days and if that’s not bad enough, he feels electrified and alive when he touches her.

Cadwell Harbor will never see a quiet Halloween again if Emma Brewster and Cas O’Halloran have anything to do with it. Nor will it be left standing if those two don’t settle down… one way or another.

Buy Links

Author Info

I grew up in New England surrounded by a lot of history and story telling by my father who was from the Mid-Coast of Maine. What I remember of my mother was her love of fairy tales, the wee people and poetry. So it’s no wonder I would one day write.

When I am not writing, I read. Of course I love Romance but can’t read the same genre that I write so I read mysteries, memoirs and history… I love history, especially Medieval and WWII.

I don’t generally watch TV but I love Downton Abbey.

My favorite authors… Mmmm, well let me see. Jane Austen, the late Elizabeth Peters, LM Montgomery, Loretta Chase, J.R.Ward , Sharon Kay Penman and Pamela Kaufman to name a few that come to mind.

What do I do when I am not writing? I am a mother of seven, four still at home. I have a home filled with pets, four dogs and six cats. I write seven days a week.

Author Links

Rafflecopter Giveaway ( Amazon Gift card of $50, or 3 print book set of “My Beloved Vampire Books, One Thousand Years to Forever, I’ve Been Waiting for You & Redemption at Midnight )

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would like to be able to control the elements as that would be fun but I think it would be especailly cool if you could talk to animals, that would be really interesting

  3. I would like to be invisible. It would be fun to know what people are saying about me behind my back. lol

  4. I would love to be able to zap myself immediately from one place to another.

  5. I would like to be invisible if I was a witch.

  6. (Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)

    I would like to be able to communicate with animals!
